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"I love you," I said, over and over again, it was a constant reminder in my head, every morning, every afternoon, every night. "I love you" and I really meant it, every time I said it I confidently knew that was exactly the feeling, it was love, the love I saw in movies and series when you are wealing to give up on everything, even yourself for the person in front of you.

"I love you too," she said, over and over again, every time I said it she said it back, I never cared to look at her while doing so, it was a custom word to say, we were used to hearing it every day, none stop. And I thought it was enough, it was enough to hear it because it probably meant exactly what I thought it meant, the same that it was for me, I never doubted for a second that it was a mutual feeling, was it though?

I saw her and the red flags, in front of me, and I decided to ignore every single one of them, I saw her darkness, her unkindness, and how badly she treated those who genuinely love her. How she was manipulative, how everything somehow always revolved around her, and how she was always portrayed as the victim of every situation. How she leaned on me for comfort even when she was in the wrong, how I could never get upset without having to comfort her.

But I thought I was home, I thought I found my person, because she made herself fit the things I wanted, at least till I was trapped enough, she flashed me with the things I wanted the most, and she treated me as I thought was good enough, she made me feel special, till it stopped, the flashlight ran out of battery and the darkness started consuming everything around me, my hobbies, my job, my dreams, my friends, she clouded everything, she made herself the center of attention of every single thing I loved, and got upset when that wasn't the case.

When I was happy she wanted me to stop because I could only be happy with something that completely involved her, never on my own. And I noticed this more and more, with every little thing, till it became a real problem, a dangerous situation. The day I ran I could see her eyes going completely dark, she knew she was doing something horrible and still didn't care, haven't cared since, she has never apologized sincerely for the horrible things she did.

Because that's what you get when you enter a relationship with a self-centered vampire, the Eternals know nothing about sympathy, they've seen so many people be born and die, they've lived so many empires rise and falls, they are out of touch with the reality and ephemerality of the mortal life, so that's why I said no. "I don't want to be like you," I said the day I left, my conversion was scheduled a year after we moved in together, everything was prep but the horrible thing she did made me realize I rather die than become such a monster.

I left and I swore to myself I'd hunt every single one of her species, they don't deserve to live in this world, those creatures are nothing but pure cruelty, selfishness, and hedonism. Here's where my story starts, living my ex behind and trying to plot to kill her, a rather hard task, but definitely not impossible.

Red FlagOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant