The escape

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The heist was a success but it wasn't just as planned, I did most of the things I was asked to do, but really, I don't like being the pray in every situation, I did the diversion and then scooped in, the guys couldn't find me anywhere, cause then, they became the diversion, for me. It was chaos, but I had a lot of fun, I managed to get a sword (the thing I was really aiming for) and I was sitting in my living room with bruises and a cut on the lip, mainly cause I had to fight Sheila, she caught me just when I was heading out, I wasn't just going to give her my things, it wasn't going to happen.

We fought and as I planned I was able to tackle her enough so I could run away, I knew I could get her eventually, I was not using all my strength during the training. So yes, I was home alone with a handful of silver weapons, and having betrayed (in a way) the revolters, they were calling me none stop and as I was expecting my doorbell rang too.

I wasn't going to pick up, I was still hurt and rushed by adrenaline, I needed to think before handling them, but it was true they would not leave me alone just like that. So I did pick up the doorbell. "What!" I said knowing I should set the tone from the start, "What the hell Laura?" it was Sheila, "Are you alone?" I asked, "Yes," she said. So I rang her in, and it wasn't long till I heard the knock on the door, Sheila came in and put a knife in my neck right away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she pushed me to the wall. "Would you mind closing the door?" I asked politely and looking straight into her eyes, I could see her anger boiling. She relaxed a bit and closed the door, still pointing the knife at me, "you're going to take someone's eye out" I said putting my hands up knowing I shouldn't move too much. "Are you with us or against us?" She said still holding the knife up, "neither" I said, "I saw an opportunity and took it, I'm not going to be your guinea pig, I know what I want and that's all I care about"

She seemed to understand what I said, we looked into each other's eyes without hesitating, she pulled down the knife and I pulled down my hands, she came closer to me "How are you stronger than me now?" I smiled "I had a great teacher," I said, she smiled too and came closer, I got scared and thought she'd kicked my ass again, but instead she kissed me, I saw her throwing the knife to the floor, she held me against the wall as we made out passionately. Everything hurt and I was still in adrenaline mode for sure, but nothing really mattered right now.

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