Blank space

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I woke up half naked on a sofa that wasn't mine, I had a headache and I was so thirsty but nauseated at the same time. I heard footsteps and cluttery nearby, I stud up and headed to what seemed to be the kitchen, "Hey, good morning" said Hayley pouring coffee into a cup in front of me. "Morning," I said sitting on one of the kitchen stools, it was a studio apartment with a kitchen island next to the living room area.

"Where's my clothes?" I asked worried about my pants, "Oh, you threw up on them, I put them to wash" I felt a relief feeling, Hayley seemed to catch it, "Don't worry I'm super straight" I took a sip of coffee, "Can I get some water?" I asked. "Sure," said Hayley pouring a glass next to the coffee cup, I drank a whole cup in one breath, "Another?" she said, I nodded and drank half of that one too. "You are a wild girl," said Hayley with a smile, I had flashbacks of the night before "We danced a lot," I said, noticing my legs and feet hurting a little. "We did," she said looking into her phone.

"We talked a lot too" She looked at me curiously, "Yes, we did that too", I remember us talking but I couldn't pinpoint what we were talking about. "What were we talking about?" I asked her. "Life, I'm hungover too, we drank a lot," said Hayley dismissing the subject. I wasn't feeling ok, "Where's my phone?" Hayley pointed at the living room table, I felt the urge to go get it but remembered I had no pants, "Can I borrow some pants? I'd like to go home" Hayley was again looking at her phone, "Sure," She said and headed to the closet near her bed. The whole space was open I was feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Here you go," said Hayley giving me a pair of jeans, I put them on and went to get my phone and the rest of my stuff. "I think I'm going to go home now," I said when I started feeling like myself again. "Yes, I can call a cab for you" I didn't feel like staying any longer, "No I need to walk a little, thanks for having me" Hayley looked at me with a bit of concern "Are you ok?" she asked, "Yes, I just need to be at my house," I said heading to the door. I left and head down an elevator, my reflection looked at me with wide-open eyes, my makeup was a mess, and my hair too.

I reached the bottom floor and the sunlight hit me strongly, my headache complained about it. I started walking but I didn't know where I was, I looked at my phone, it was midday and I was on the other side of the city, I did need a taxi, so I looked into the app for one. I still didn't feel right, something about last night didn't add up, I was talking so much, "What the hell did I say?" I asked myself.

3 minutes for the taxi to arrive and I received a call, it was Dante, I picked up, "Hi, what's up" I said casually" Dante's voice was unexpressive and cold. "Monday morning, 9 sharp in my office" he hung up, he could've sent a text, but something wasn't right. "I said something stupid," I said to myself, the cab was here, and I was ready to detox and brave myself to start next week with confrontation.

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