First contact

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The revolters were talking and laughing, with a beer in each hand they seemed like a regular group of people, "maybe I might have overdone my makeup" I thought, my dark aesthetic was not matching the group, they were in casual outfits and seemed like any after-work group. I needed an excuse to enter the conversation and I saw one of the girls heading to the bathroom. 

I went a few minutes after her, she was in one of the cubicles and I entered one too, trying to not make it too obvious. I heard her coming out and that was my signal. I washed my hands next to her, she seemed like a normal girl. I noticed she had a silver color bracelet, I wondered if it was actually silver made. I looked at her through the mirror and she looked back, I smiled "I don't know why we wash our hands and then just go back to touching the door handle" she smiled back "Oh I usually use my elbow when I can" she said doing the gesture "Ah that's smart" I opened the door as she suggested and we both smiled while heading out.

"I like your makeup," she said "you look like a baddy" I blushed a little, that's not where I thought this interaction should go, but I took the opportunity. "Thanks, I like your style too, would you let me buy you a drink? maybe?"  I've never been the type to pick up girls, and I've always been very shy regarding this matter, but determination is a good fuel. "Oh, that's so nice, I'd love to but I'm whit people and is kind of important I stay with them, maybe some other day," she said, she really seemed sad about it. "Sure no problem, do you come here often?" I asked trying to determine how to pick up this interaction again. 

"Yes, mostly on the weekends, this is sort of our bar," she said referring to her group at the table. "Ah that's good to know, so maybe I'll see you around then," I said with a false sense of confidence, "Sure, but wait, are you new in the city?" she asked curiously, "Ah yes, I've not been here for long, just moved in, still trying to connect with the people" The rush that lying gave me was making me so hot I felt sweat coming out my whole body, luckily not my face. "Oh I see, well, probably not today cause it's an important day, but I could introduce you to some of my friends someday, maybe you can start there" She seemed genuinely nice I was starting to feel really bad about lying to her. 

"That's the nicest thing, thanks, I will try to come around more often and whenever you are free let's have a drink," I said blushed and hot. "I'll be happy to," she said with a smile, "I'm Sheila by the way" I was a bit surprised because I totally forgot to introduce myself "I'm Laura," I said. "Nice to meet you, Laura," said Sheila and headed to her table. I went back to the bar and the bartender was waiting for me with a smile. "What?" I asked trying to regulate my body temperature again. "Be careful with that one, she's a heart breaker" I took a sip of my drink, paid, and decided to head home.

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