Maddy's weakness

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A list of important details about Maddy: she was self-centered, I thought she was just very confident though. Never seen her afraid of anything, arrogant, and mean. She had to always be comfortable and would never move if she didn't see something to take benefit herself. She hated mess but was never wailing to clean or pick up anything. She loves being served, praised, and feeling special somehow. Always looking for external validation.

"Did she love you?" asked Dante, he was looking at my list inside the notebook I'd written it. "She said so," I said, "But I think she only really loves herself" Dante kept reading my list. Maddy was temperamental and manipulative, she'd use any tactic to never be responsible for anything around her, her best tool? her family. They love her and do whatever she asks for, no matter how fucked up the requirements are, they will always clean her messes. Like any vampire family, they're small and close, I got accepted because I'm brilliant, but even though they tried to make me feel included I was never like them.

"Her family likes you?" asked Dante this time. "I believe so, I never had any issues with them, they have been helpful to me even after we broke up" Dante kept reading. The thing that makes her vulnerable I believe is the inability to manipulate, she's helpless when you can see her intentions and would crumble and collapse like a little girl when confronted with the truth. She loves being a victim and gaslighting.

"So she's a narcissist," said Dante, it wasn't a question. "Every vampire is a narcissist that's their whole culture. Do you have anything else?" I thought about it for a second. "She really hates not being the center of attention and her ability to be cruel and even murderous can be drastically higher if she feels like she's losing the protagonism" Dante looked at me "Has she been violent towards you?" I shook my head no, "But I had a cat, and she hated it, I think she killed her" I said remembering how strange had been my cat's death. "I believe her obsession with you could be something to work in our favor" I wasn't following.

"How on all the things I described you came to the conclusion she's obsessed with me?" Dante smiled a bit, "No, is not about what you wrote, we've been monitoring her, she's stalking you, constantly, the bartender at the bar told us she went there asking about you, offering money for information". I was shocked, my communication with Maddy was none existence, mainly because I put a hard boundary between us, I thought she didn't care about our break up, she definitely hasn't said anything about wanting me back, that's for sure.

"Don't worry, Marcus is a good guy and he's loyal to us, he wouldn't snitch but I'd dare to say her biggest weakness right now is you, we can get close to her through you but you cannot, and I cannot stress this enough, you cannot fall for her trap again, she'll use every trick in the book to make you like her again if you fall we'll all fall" I heard him but I wasn't sure how I felt anymore, this was a lot to take in, dealing with hate was easy, but Maddy still caring for me, I didn't count on that.

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