Chapter 102 - Walking with Aliens

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Just because Tanner is no longer interested in walking with me, it doesn't mean that I cannot walk anymore. I want to get into shape. I'm sick of feeling embarrassed about my lack of breath after the smallest of exertions.

"You're coming with me," I tell Alien when I'm done fastening my sneakers. If I have him with me, I could always pretend that I'm giving him a chance to waddle around when I feel like I'm going to collapse or die. I take the dog in my arms and leave the apartment and am in the process of locking the door, slipping the key into the pocket of my floral track pants, when the Swift's door opens, making me jump.

Candy steps out into the hallway, and for a second, I fear that Tanner is with her, but she's alone, and she is dressed in her PJs and flip-flops, her hair tied in a careless ponytail. Candy has a flare for making the mundane look exotic.

"Hey, Mol," she says, and I give her my best smile, or at least I try.


"Thought I heard your door, was hoping to catch you. Are you taking the dog for a walk?"

Did she come out because she heard me? Why?

"No, I'm going for a walk; I'm just taking him with me," I say, getting ready to be on my way.

"Mind if I join you?" she asks, suddenly looking slightly uncertain of her welcome. Uncertain isn't a look one often sees on her face. The girl is a fountain of self-confidence; it's probably mostly feigned, but it's there... spouting away.

I run my eyes over her, taking in the dark blue three-quarter pants and the long-sleeved light blue t-shirt showcasing a teddy bear wearing a nightcap and carrying another teddy bear on the front.

"Sure, I'll wait for you to change," I say, not feeling entirely comfortable about this. It's been a long time since I spent time alone with Candy. We've both been too caught up in our own troubles; I guess... Part of her troubles involved being entwined with Tanner... which never bothered me before. 

It hurts that it does now because I've always really liked Candy. She makes everything she does seem so effortless, and it's like troubles, insults and drama just roll off her. I know it's not true, but that is what it looks like.

Despite her easy nature and natural charm, I've never been jealous of her. Perhaps because she is fun and can be extremely kind when she wants to be... and I've never had feelings for a boy she's involved with. Yeah, I'll admit it. I'm jealous now.

"Nah," she shrugs, "I look hot in these PJs."

She really does.

"You'll look hot in sackcloth and ashes," I inform her with a grin, and she laughs, telling me that she'll certainly try it at least once, and then she rushes to take the stairs two at a time down to the foyer.

"Aren't you going to put him down?" she asks when we're about to take on the walkway after leaving the apartment building and descending the steps to the beach, and I'm still cradling the dog in my arms.

"No, I'm the one going for a walk, he's just my companion. I'll put him down to do his business when he starts to squirm."

"Oh! You were serious," she laughs and the slight uncertainty I'd detected evaporates just like that. "I guess it won't be much of a walk if he is the one doing the walking," she smiles, stroking Alien's soft ears, and he, the male that he is, just drools a little, staring at her with huge adoring eyes... and then I have to hold him away from my body so that he can add some urine to his expression of devotion.

Walking with Candy is like being the bodyguard of a supermodel. I swear the entire Briar Cove is on this walkway today. I hadn't even seen this many people in church earlier, and I'd thought the church was quite full. What was I thinking, taking this route with Candy? I should've taken a more obscure one or made my own through the forest.

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