Chapter 51 - Too Much Seduction

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The soup I'm making for Molly's mother is coming along nicely. I'm making enough of it to have some for supper now. I know Hunter will never get full on just soup and crispy, toasted buns, even though the soup is quite thick and contains lots of chicken, spinach, cabbage and kale.

To fill up the beast, I'm making some side dishes I know he likes. The dude cannot live without potatoes in any format, so I'm making a potato and carrot bake with loads of cream and cheese in it because, unlike Molly, Hunter is not on a diet.

The guy is so active that hardly any of his food ever gets a chance to be converted into fat, and his cholesterol levels are very low. After speaking to Molly today, I now care about things like that. I never did before. I just made whatever tasted good.

Just my luck, I finally find someone who gives me the kind of feedback on my cooking that I've been longing for, and she's on a bloody diet. Well, she said she's trying to eat healthily, to improve her general health, which hasn't been too great lately. I didn't want to bug her for too much information on her health issues if she didn't want to tell me. She already hates me; I don't want her to decide that I'm too nosy and start avoiding me or something.

I've been sitting here at the kitchen table, using Willow's laptop to research healthy recipes that I can play with to make my own healthy snacks. I have a few ideas I want to try and then feed to Molly and hear what she thinks. Her observations have been spot-on so far.

It's strange, but every time I think about Molly and the weird-ass things she keeps on saying, I start to grin and I feel lighter somehow. After what happened last night, I half expected to be on Haunted Hill tonight, smoking crap, drinking, and wondering what the hell I'm alive for... the usual, but instead, I'm here, looking forward to trying healthy recipes and feeding them to Molly.


Yes, she has a lot to do with it too. For some reason, when I'm with her, I don't think at all, I just am. It's becoming more and more comfortable. Paise is the only other girl I've ever felt that comfortable with... and Tracy... It makes no sense because Willow is a really strange sample of the females of our species. I'm not used to girls like her. I shouldn't be comfortable around her at all, but I am. It's like she looks at me and actually sees me as if I'm just some person, with thoughts and feelings, that annoy the crap out of her.

I like that.

She also never tries to touch me or kiss me or get me to do physical things with her as if that's all I'm good for. I feel safe with Willow.

Isn't that hilarious?!

In fact, she does the opposite. I know she'll slap me if I try to touch her or anything... and Hunter will kill me... slightly... Yeah, I kissed her once, but I was really just trying to help... and I was curious. I'm a dog, so...

Paisley is also the only other girl I can be with, without her trying to get physical with me... and Molly. Molly will kill me if I even look at her too long. Thinking about Molly makes me grin again even though I don't think she really sees me at all. As long as she lets me feed her, she can hate me all she wants.

I'm still grinning when I see movement in the backyard. Hunter is putting a pair of MMA training gloves on Willow's hands. Oh! This is going to end badly! What is the guy thinking?

I spend some time watching him trying to teach Willow a few self-defence moves. It's a really good idea and would've been awesome if the dude wasn't a ball of repressed hormones and head over heels for the girl.

At first, it seems to be going surprisingly well, but it doesn't take long for him to start looking a little redder than is justified by the bit of exercise he's doing. He probably should've asked someone else to teach Willow. Not me, I'm a ball of hormones too, and mine aren't suppressed. I'm also not immune to the girl.

Hunting the Fairy TaleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora