Chapter 31 - Sunday: Marshmallow War

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"Just five more minutes, Buddy, please..." I groan, pulling the duvet over my head. Frankie is not having any of that. He immediately plucks it off again and pulls at my shirt, crowing into my ear. "Haaaaaan!"

After I heard that Tan made it home in one piece and I had a relaxing chat with Dex, I finally slept an entire night last night. No nightmares, no lying awake, having thoughts that would make my parents take turns guarding Willow's room. 

No anxiety. Just peaceful sleep, in spite of Frankie's attempts to take over the entire bed. The little dude barely reaches up to my knee, but he is able to sleep me right out of my big bed. Right now, he is bouncing on me, trying to get me to wake up and get up and take care of his six million needs. 

I have a full bladder and he's landed on target enough times to make me suspect that I might have peed in my bed a little already. Seriously, I just want five more minutes. He is not interested in my pleading, though.

"Dude, please, you're killing me!"

I fight the urge to drift back to sleep, not that hard to do with Frankie's merciless nagging and bouncing going on. I begin to drag myself out of snooze mode so that I can get up and take care of the midget demon. 

This is what hell must be like.

"Frankie, do you want to come with me?" It is the voice of an angel, soft and dreamy floating to me on a cloud of bliss. My bladder gratefully applauds as the bouncing torture machine is lifted off me.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"Willlla," Frankie squeals in awe. He always says her name as if there are about a thousand l's in it. He is also grateful for the angel taking him out of my room. I think Frankie is having his first crush.

Fall in line, Buddy.

I smile as I drift back to sleep. I give myself about 10 minutes of peaceful sleep, then my bladder will be the monster badgering me to take care of its needs.


"Good morning, Aunt Beth," I say, entering the kitchen with Frankie in my arms. I got rid of his wet training pants, helped him use the toilet, and gave him a quick wash. He is as good as new. All he needs now is some food and fresh clothes.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah, there's my baby!" Aunt Beth rushes over and takes Frankie for a snuggle. "Morning, Willow, thank you for taking care of this one for me."

"I love taking care of him. Did you enjoy your catch-up barbeque?"

"Oh, it was lovely!" she beams. "Your mother, that woman who didn't want to go, had so much fun, we didn't get away until early this morning. Completely overslept for church. Even Ryan only dragged himself out of bed about half an hour ago and he's an early bird." She's smiling happily, obviously pleased with the outcome.

"That's wonderful," I smile, pleased as well. I am incredibly relieved to hear that my mother enjoyed herself for a change. "Do you know if she's awake yet?"

Aunt Beth nods her head indicating a tray with a plate of rusks. "Yes, I was just about to make her some coffee. I had to threaten her to keep her from getting up. She must be exhausted after everything this week. Not to mention the months before. She can do with a nice lie-in."

I nod in agreement, swallowing against the lump in my throat. Yes, my mother's been to hell and back so many times in the last few months – years really - she now simply picks up some bread and milk on her way. "She must be."

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