Chapter 67 - Hazards of Self-Defence

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"Please explain to me how this is grabbing lunch or coffee?" Becca groans, burying her face in my chest. "The only thing we grabbed was each other!"

I'm not complaining at all, but I can see that she is about to. What am I supposed to tell her? I really just wanted to talk to her. I wanted to try and find some middle ground for us to meet on and have a garden variety, friendly relationship with no awkwardness. I didn't intend for that middle ground to be my bed, but I really don't mind that it is.

"I'm not sure. Last I remember, you wanted to see the gym."

"This is not your gym, Devan," she sits up, pulling the duvet up to her chin to hide her body from me. A totally pointless action, all things considered. I reach up and stroke her hair out of her eyes. The complete opposite of what I was trying to achieve is about to happen, and I don't want that. I also don't know how to stop it.

"I showed you the gym; it wasn't all that interesting."

I'm not entirely sure how we ended up in the small apartment above the gym I occasionally use when I don't want to drive all the way home after a tough training session. Our bodies had their own plans, and we both just let them do what they clearly wanted to do. Now, we're lying here in a nest of guilt and regret gradually being woven by Becca.

"This shouldn't have happened; I need to get back to work."

I roll over, pushing her onto her back; I'm not against pinning her down for a few minutes if it's the only way I'm going to be able to talk to her.

"Why is this so wrong, Becks?"

"Why?!" she snaps, giving me an indignant look. "We're not married! We're not even in a relationship. This goes against everything I believe in. This might come as a huge surprise to you, Devan, but I don't do this kind of thing. Grayson was the only man I've ever been with and even that was after we were married. This is not me!" 

She turns her head to avoid my eyes. I hate that.

"Well... I'm no saint. I'm flawed... probably more than most people, but I don't do this either, Becks." I kiss away the tear escaping from the corner of her eye. "Please, don't cry. It's alright. I think we're clearly both really lonely, and we just... I don't know... Fit together really well."

"Oh, my soul!" She exclaims, trying to push me off her. "We're not puzzle pieces, Devan. We're people. Adults. We're supposed to be the responsible ones, not hormonal teenagers. We have yet to even think about using protection!"

"Oh..." It really hadn't occurred to me at all, mostly because none of this was planned. Not today and not Tuesday night, either. Well, I'm thinking about it now.

"Oh?!" She is gorgeous when she's angry.

"What am I supposed to say? Oops?"

"I cannot believe how cavalier you're being about all of this!" she grunts, and I let her sit up because she is really mad at me now. I was aiming for the opposite of anger. I guess I have a talent for pissing her off.

"I'm really not." I sit up too, and put my hands on her shoulders when she's about to get off the bed. "Becks, look, we should just talk, okay? Let's talk..."

"I really cannot talk to you when you're all here... like that."

At first, I don't understand what she means, and then I see her looking at everything in the room except me, and I get it. We're back to that again. I pull the nearest piece of the duvet over myself to hide all the offensive items from her.

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