Teaser - An Excerpt from Chapter 20

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It takes me a few minutes to realise what I've been fondling in my hand, interrupting its travel to the pile of light laundry. Silky parts, lacy parts, mostly cotton with tiny pink roses sprinkled all over it. I am holding one of Willow's panties!

"Shit!" I yell, tossing it into the air. I catch it when it inevitably comes back to me and immediately toss it again. Madness is performing the same action over and over, hoping for a different result. I've gone mad. I'm like a blooming cat with peanut butter on its paws, unable to get rid of the piece of clothing!

I have no idea what I'm doing, all I know is that I should not be touching Willow's underwear. I'm not sure why not, since I've sorted washing containing Ma and Paisley's undies for years and I've never acted like a crazy person on those occasions.

I finally manage to free myself from the panic-inducing garment, but now I'm not sure where it went.

"Hey, Honey," Ma enters the laundry area and puts another full washing hamper next to the one I'm trying to sort.

"I didn't mean to touch it!" I yell because I've turned into a moron.

Ma blinks at me and then she frowns. "Touch what?"

I try to smile and say something wise, but I sound a bit like baby Frankie giving one of his speeches. My voice turns into a whimper when I spot the terrifying piece of clothing hanging from a cupboard handle. Ma follows my eyes, sees the underwear and after giving me a startled look, she bursts into laughter.

"Let me do the washing, Sweetie, I don't want you to have a heart attack."

"I'm not... there isn't... everything... it's not... I won't because..."

I'm broken!

"Hmmm, as much as I enjoy having these stimulating conversations with you, my love, I think you should just go have some water or something."

"Yes," I manage after a few seconds of gasping like a fish on dry ground. I turn away from my mother's half-amused, half-suspicious gaze and dig my phone from my sweatpants' pocket.

I try to dial while I'm scaling the lower part of the 2-sectioned door leading from the laundry into the back garden. The usually agile manoeuvre is not working as planned right now, and I land with a grunt and a thump in a heap on the ground just outside the door. I can hear Ma laughing in the laundry and manage to drag myself to my feet so I can hang over the bottom part of the door. I give her a thumbs up when she wants to know if I'm okay. She is laughing too much to show the concern her words are implying.

Declan answers his phone just as I'm on my feet again, almost functioning like a normal human being. Fresh air, sunshine, and Dex's sobering voice are making me feel a whole lot better.


Dear Reader, now that you've met Hunter and have an idea of what you're in for, I hope you'll have loads of fun reading all about the people of Briar Cove.

TW: Please be advised that this story contains references to violence (sexual and other), drugs, anxiety, mental health issues, abuse, and other possibly upsetting themes. Reader discretion is advised.

All rights are reserved by me as @MaggieOHighley. Please do not copy or use my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you.

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