Chapter 53 - Lonely Ships Passing in the Night

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The horrible information I've received aside, it's been a rather wonderful day, and I am smiling contentedly while I'm cleaning my room and putting away my washing. 

I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Tanner today. I still find it truly astounding that I've come to experience such a unique level of comfort when I'm around him. I would not have believed it if someone had told me a week ago that I would form a very pleasing friendship with the prettiest boy I've ever seen, who also happens to be the most lecherous one I've ever had to deal with. In fact, I wouldn't even have been able to completely believe that when we arrived home this afternoon. 

So much has changed in only a few hours.

No, it is not fair to say that Tanner is the most lecherous man I've ever had to deal with; I can't just disqualify James from that title. Then again, I suppose that he could probably not be called lecherous as such. He is more entitled and dominating than lecherous and rather awful. I don't think he ever felt any real desire for me; he was simply trying to brand me.

I think I now know a little something about desire. I've been experiencing, in ever-increasing intensity, something that I think might fit into that category. I might, in fact, be the most lecherous person I've ever met since that desire is not even focused on only one target!

I think about how I felt holding onto Tanner on the motorcycle and seeing Declan getting ready for his swim this afternoon and Hunter... Yes, Hunter. I experience these new lascivious feelings consistently and at their worst whenever I even just hear his name or think about him.

I don't think it is just desire that I am feeling when it comes to Hunter, though. Does desire make one's heart physically ache and create in you such an intense longing to take away all that person's pain and to nourish and protect him for the rest of his life? 

I doubt it.

Earlier, I took care of Hunter and Tanner's school uniforms. Cleaning off their stains felt oddly intimate; it was as if I was learning their secrets and sharing in the mundane events of their day. 

Here, Tanner got some of the creamy chocolate from those lovely eclairs on his pants - at least, that's what I think it was - and here, he spilt some juice on his shirt when he tried to drink too fast. Here Hunter accidentally wrote on his shirt when he was playing with his pen, and here, he was doing something with pencils and an eraser. Drawing, I suppose, though I honestly cannot imagine how he got pencil marks and eraser tracks on the lower part of his pant leg.

I enjoyed fixing the scuffed, frayed edges of Tanner's shirt collar and mending the tear in Hunter's shirt. It made me happy, and I felt oddly close to them while I was doing it. This might be what it will feel like to be a mother caring for her family.

I liked it.

I hear Tanner scream in the bathroom and look up to see Hunter entering my bedroom and closing the door behind him. He might've knocked, but I didn't hear him. He often forgets, which is why I prefer getting dressed in the bathroom, where I can lock both doors. I am, therefore, not too startled to suddenly find him chuckling in my room.

Just what has he done to Tanner now?

Those two have been messing with each other all night. Declan managed to distract them enough while he was here, and dinner had been extremely pleasant and not just because the food was wonderful. I enjoyed the light-hearted banter and the conversation... even the weird one when they all nearly ended up needing CPR... 

Once Dex left, Hunter and Tanner became almost unbearable to be around. I tried to watch a movie with them, but it was virtually impossible. I eventually had to move my bean bag between theirs and become a wall separating them just to be able to watch it in peace.

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