Chapter 16

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Osiris sat at the edge of his bed laptop on his lap, notebook in his left hand, and pen in his right. He had been up since 5am looking over his accounts, trying to come up with something sufficient enough to get his father off his back. The Feds had most of the Cambridge family's assets confiscated and accounts frozen, but David swore he had a plan.

If Osiris wanted to get out from under his father's thumb he was going to need money, and lots of it.

Although he had a few solid investment accounts, Osiris was nowhere near where he needed to be to make moves on his own. A lot of his funds were tied into Ruby's center so he had to make it pop.

Buzzz... Buzzzz...

Osiris's vibrating phone pulled his attention away from business. A smile threatened to burst from the corner of his lips as Ruby's named flashed across the screen.

"Good morning, to what do I owe the pleasure," Osiris answered, his smile evident in his tone, causing Ruby to smile as well.

"Good morning, I'm sorry to bother you so early on a Saturday. Are you busy?" Ruby asked, cringing at the sound of her own voice. She didn't want to sound too needy.

Sensing Ruby's nervousness, Osiris chuckled, "Never too busy for you. What can I do to help, something wrong at the center?"

"No, nothing like that. It's not work related so I won't take offense if you say no." She warned.

"What do you need Ruby?"

"Karma's birthday is next week and my friends and I are putting together a surprise party for tomorrow evening. I have a few things left to pick up, but all the bodies I have are currently tasked out. You mind helping a friend in need?" Ruby laughed nervously through the phone, covering her face as if Osiris could see her.

"Oh, now I get to be a friend when you need some help, but this is my first time hearing about the party." Osiris joked.

"Stop, it's not like that. If it were a party for me that would be different," Ruby spoke sweetly.

"So I'm invited to your party?" Osiris asked flirtatiously. He and Ruby had gotten closer over the last couple of months, but she always shied away when Osiris's flirtatious manner kicked in.

"Osiris, I'm not about to play with you. Are you available to help me out or not?" Ruby asked, cutting him short.

"I got you. Are you picking me up, or should I drive and meet you somewhere?"

"You can actually meet me at the venue downtown. I have to stop by and pay the deposit, but I have a couple of things to pick up on the way. The more space, the better." Ruby replied while covering her eyes with her shades and heading towards her front door.

"Alright, just drop a pin once you get there. I'm not too far from downtown so I'm going to jump in the shower real quick." Osiris stated while locking his iPad and putting it into the nightstand beside him.

"Got ya, thanks!" Ruby ended the call. Osiris looked at his phone and smiled. This wouldn't be his ideal Saturday afternoon, but any time he could spend with Ruby was time well spent.


David's leg bounced impatiently as he awaited his guests arrival. If this were anyone else he would have never been seated at this table an hour past their meeting time. David checked his watch for what seemed to be the tenth time in the past five minutes. Pissed was an understatement. David didn't play on people's time and he hated for anyone to waste his.

Just as he pulled out his phone to call off the meeting, David looked up and spotted two black SUVs pulling up to the store front.

Standing from his seat, David smoothed the wrinkles from his suit. His jaw clenched as he watched Juan and his henchmen approach from the window. This was one of the many properties David acquired over the years, and the only place he felt comfortable meeting up with Juan.

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