Chapter 15

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"How long are we going to do this love?" David asked, looking down at his wife. The look of disappointment on Sahara's face broke his heart every time he looked her way.

Stubborn as a bull she was, but not speaking to him for two weeks was overkill. David missed his wife. He missed Sahara's soft touch, her words of comfort and wisdom when the world felt like too much, but most importantly, David missed his best friend.

Sahara sat stone faced, glasses on the tip of her nose as she looked down in her IPad. Engrossed in cleaning up the mess David had made of her life, Sahara ignored his words.

No, she didn't feel like talking to him.

Of course when David was away Sahara prayed endlessly for his safety as well as his safe return home, but wrecking their family beyond repair wasn't something she expected for David to do.

No amount of talking would fix the damage David had caused. Dash was still refusing to speak with Sahara, no one wanted to touch the case against her firm, so life was chaotic enough at the moment.

"I spoke with an attorney," Sahara spoke, not bothering to look up at her husband. "I'm not asking for anything, I just want my space. I want to get away from you, and I want to get my life back on track."

David's face transitioned from one of shock, to confusion, then anger. He paced for a second, willing himself to calm down before speaking. This was a moment David needed to be really careful with his words.

He chuckled angrily while shaking his head walking towards his bar.

Snatching a shot glass from the serving tray, David grabbed a bottle of D'usse cognac and poured himself a shot. He quickly downed it and poured another.

Sahara had yet to look David's way, further infuriating him.

David loosened the tie around his neck and downed his second shot. Sitting the shot glass down on the bar, he looked over at his wife. Twenty six years of marriage, thirty of them actually doing life together. There was no way Sahara planned to leave him.

David pinched the bridge of his nose and coached himself to remain calm in his head. His mouth grew dry and pasty as he attempted to speak the words back to Sahara.

"Attorney, not asking for anything, sweetheart, what is this?" David spoke, his tone even. " I get that you're upset, you have every right to be, but all this attorney talk... Dead it."

Sahara's head shot up quickly as she eyed David like he had lost his goddamn mind. Clearly he had. "You know, not once have you asked how I'm doing with all this. I lost my JOB David! The job you watched me cry and lose sleep to secure many times! And not once have you asked how I'm dealing with that."

David sighed heavily, taking a seat on the couch adjacent Sahara. "You don't need a job Sahara," He shrugged. "I preferred it that way since the beginning. It was you who wanted to stay on your whole independent woman tip. I respected that enough to allow you to-"

"I'm sorry, allow? " Sahara shot back angrily, snatching her glasses from her face and sitting them beside her. "That right there, is exactly why this is happening David. You have it in your mind that you can alter the lives of everyone around you and we're supposed to what, get over it? What you did with Dash crossed so many lines, and do you even care? No, because God forbid David Cambridge thinks of anyone besides himself."

"Goddamn it Sahara," David snapped, before quickly gathering himself. Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, David took a deep breath and continued. "I apologize. It's not my intention to speak to you crazy, but this is overboard Sahara. Yeah, I may have been wrong in my approach with the Dash situation, but it needed to be done. I need you to trust my word on that."

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