Chapter 4

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Former Carolina Mayor David Cambridge is currently facing 15 corruptions charges including bribery, wire fraud, conspiring to launder money, and cocaine distribution.

Cambridge pleaded not guilty to criminal, drug and weapons charges, following a eighteen-month investigation that authorities said involved wiretaps and a police search of development properties Cambridge was supposed to be building for underprivileged families. Several guns and large quantities of cocaine were seized from those development properties.

Investigators also have surveillance footage of Cambridge standing at the site during various drug transactions. The arrest comes just weeks before Cambridge faces off with city council member Ted Hemphill.

Sahara's colleagues quickly shut of the television as she entered the office. There was an awkward silence as the sound of Sahara's six inch pumps tapping the wood floors echoed throughout the room. The famous words of her great grandmother Helen, this too, shall pass rang out repeatedly in Sahara's mind as she strutted towards her office door.

Never had she heard a silence so loud.

Sahara felt like she had been branded by an invisible scarlet letter. Everyone was treating her like she had done something wrong when it was in fact her husband deceiving them all.

Life had a way of humbling people and unfortunately, Sahara found that out the hard way.

She worked her ass off to get where she was in life. Law school, passing the bar on her first try, making partner at the most prestigious law firm in the city. All of her accolades being overshadowed by bullshit! Bullshit that had absolutely nothing to do with her.

Sahara breathed a sigh of relief once she was in her office with the door closed. Her back pressed firmly up against the door as she did quick breathing exercises. This was to be expected on her first day back in the office since David's arrest, but Sahara didn't expect to feel so overwhelmed by it.

Light tapping at the door interrupted her get it together session. Quickly gathering herself, Sahara tugged at the ends of her suit jacket before practicing a smile and opening the door.

"Good morning Mr. Welsh." Sahara spoke, surprise evident in her tone. Her boss showing up wasn't a good sign at all. 

John Welsh flashed a sympathetic smile while lightly grabbing ahold of Sahara's hands. "Sahara, you have been a great asset to Welsh & Turner-" Sahara quickly snatched her hands back.

"Are you firing me?" She blurted, heart pounding in her chest. No way this was happening. Not all at once. There was just no way God was allowing her life to be torn apart from every angle.

"Sahara, we sympathize with you, we do. But I spoke with the other partners and it just looks bad on the firm having you on with your husband facing these allegations. We've had clients pulling out, disgusting phone calls from people protesting to have you removed, and I am at a loss here." John stressed. He didn't know what more to do. Sahara was one of the best attorneys he's ever worked with but the bad press was damaging.

"Wow," Sahara chuckled angrily while fighting back tears. She wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of seeing her break. "That's odd coming from a person whose always said all press is good press. I gave eight years of my life to this firm and just like that you think you're going to strip me of everything on account of someone else?"

"If it were my decision alone we wouldn't be here, you know that. We're prepared to offer you a nice severance package, along with a letter of recommendation. You're the best of the best Sahara, you won't have a problem finding work."

For about two minutes, Sahara said nothing before breaking the silence between them.

"You know John, you said one thing right," She shook her head with a dry chuckle. "I am the best of the best. So you keep your severance, your recommendations, and I'll see you in court."

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