Chapter 13

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"Care to talk about it?" Desiree asked, startling Dash. She stood and watched Dash aggressively attack the canvas with his brush before interrupting. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that something was bothering him.

Desiree had grown fond of Dash in a short couple of weeks. She enjoyed their daily conversations about nothing, but everything at the same time. Dash was a dope individual and if nothing else, Desiree loved to vibe in his energy. Not even on some trying to get with him shit.

Dash was handsome, but he was also good company.

Desiree loved to converse with anyone who could hold good conversations. She was often mistaken for shy, but really she just hated pointless conversations. If there wasn't something to gain from the talk, what are we talking about? That's was always her answer for that infamous why are you so quiet question.

Desiree lived by that and ultimately ended up a popular loner. Desiree loved alone time. That's was her time to think and be free of everyone else's burdens. It was those moments of aloneness where Desiree made her most sound decisions. It wasn't until she met Jax that she allowed few people in, but that was a story for another day.

Dash sighed lightly. He really didn't feel like being at the center, but he wasn't one to skip out on his obligations. This was bigger than him. Dash hadn't spoken to Osiris in three days. He alerted Ruby that they weren't on the best of terms, and asked that she didn't have them at the center at the same time if she wanted him to continue teaching art.

Knowing how ugly a dispute between the two could get, Ruby respected Dash's wishes, which he was thankful for. Dash would have hated to whoop Osiris's ass in front of the children they were trying to show a different way.

Dash shook his head replying, "Not really. How's your day going?" Ruby made it a point to remind everyone to take it easy on Desiree today. Dash didn't want to pry, so he didn't. Now that Desiree was in his space Dash decided to pick her brain. He was starting to consider Desiree a friend.

Desiree shrugged. "It's going," She replied shortly. "Just wanted to check in on you. Find me if you want to talk about it."

Dash half smiled. It was crazy how quickly Desiree was learning him. "Man, how much time you got?" He replied, It wouldn't hurt to speak with someone about his feelings.

Desiree chuckled lightly. Today was the anniversary of her little sister's death and a conversation about it would probably do her some good, but she would much rather help Dash through his issues. Then Desiree could forget her own even existed, at least for the moment.

Desiree grabbed a chair and pulled it next to Dash, "What's up?" She asked playfully bumping her shoulder into his.

"Everything," Dash sighed, shaking his head at the drama that had become his life. His mother had been texting him for three days straight, but Dash wasn't ready to speak with her at the moment.

"Elaborate... please," Desiree pushed. She needed to think of something other than her own sorrows. Today was one of those dreadful days that Desiree had to force herself to do life.

"Think of being betrayed in the worst way possible by the people closest to you," Dash looked over at Desiree. She could see the pain behind his eyes. "I don't even think you can begin to fathom the shit I'm dealing with right now"

Gripping Dash's hand, Desiree shot him a reassuring smile. "We don't have to discuss it at this moment," She told him. Sensing Dash wasn't in the mood to talk. "When you're ready, I'm here."

Desiree knew pain, but she wasn't in the mood to discuss her own. It required a lot of pain to become as gentle as she was. Desiree's pain was immeasurable. She could recall days she didn't believe she would ever smile again.

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