Chapter 2

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Osiris stood with his arms crossed and back against the wall. It felt like he was boxed in from every direction . Osiris had no choice but to play by this woman's rules because he was bare of anything to defend himself with. They had no phones, guns, and no way of knowing what was going on with their little sister.

This night had been nothing short of a disaster.

Dash was pacing on the other side of the room grumbling and spitting obscenities under his breath. This was some bullshit.

"This shit is your fault," Dash pointed at Osiris, nostrils flared, ready for whatever. "You always do this shit. How many times did I say let's stay out of this one Osiris, Let Pop handle his own affairs. I fucking knew it, I knew! But nah, you always got to be the good ole boy, tuck your tail, and do what he says."

All the pressures of the day, and the severity of this moment, seemed to come crashing down on Osiris at once as Dash's words stung his heart. It was the truth, but who was he to throw that shit up in his face?

Reacting without thinking, Osiris rushed over to Dash, gripping him by his collar. Roughly he crashed his back up against the wall knocking down the pictures that were hung nicely.

"You don't get to hurt me with my truth! Some of us simply do what we have to." Osiris spat. Ruby came rushing towards her living room after hearing glass shattering. Seeing Osiris with Dash hemmed up, and her favorite frames in pieces at their feet had her fuming.

"Move," Ruby rushed over and attempted to push Osiris's hand from Dash's shirt. "Not in here, y'all have done enough damage on this property tonight." She fussed. It was no longer feeling kid free in her household and that was ridiculous. "Shouldn't the two of you be discussing more pressing matters like a ride, or way out of here?"

Osiris released Dash and turned his attention to Ruby, "It wouldn't be smart for use to make moves right now. Just give us a few hours and-"

"Hours?!" Both Ruby and Dash yelled in unison.

Now this was something he could agree with the crazy lady on. There was no way he was about to sit on his hands for hours when something was going on with his sister.

"We don't have hours Osiris," Dash reasoned. Clearly Osiris was out of his body tonight. He was moving all out of pocket. "Sienna is hurt and we need to find out how and why."

In a fit of rage Osiris slapped the lamp from Ruby's side table up against the wall. "You don't think I know that?" He yelled angrily.

"Oh no sir," Ruby yelled out angrily, popping Osiris with the stick of her broom. "It's time for y'all to leave. I don't know, and I don't care what's going on, what I do know is that y'all are costing me more than you're worth."

Closing his eyes for a second, Osiris fought to compose himself. Too much was piling on him at once and he was beginning to feel as if he was suffocating. Dash had no idea the amount of pressure on Osiris's shoulders. There was no way he didn't understand the magnitude of the situation, and that's what was pissing Osiris off.

Their father had enough evidence stacked against him to send him away for life, and Osiris had just let the key witness live. So they would have to forgive him if he wasn't himself right now. He was too busy running all of the possibilities through his mind. Life was about to get very... different for the Cambridge's.

Osiris eyed Ruby and placed his hand on the broom she still had pointed in his direction. He lowered the broom and apologized.

"I apologize miss," He looked into her eyes to express his sincerity. "I am not myself right now, really. Tonight has been... it's been one of those nights. Still, I'm out of line for disrespecting your home, and for that, I apologize. I promise my mother raised me better. I'll cover all the damages, but for now I need you to work with me. I have enough against me."

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