Chapter 14

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"I don't know about this one," Ruby frowned holding up a black dress. "Maybe the red, what do you think?"

Karma was engrossed in her friend's group chat and hadn't heard a thing her mother said. She didn't get why Ruby was making such a big deal about tonight, this wasn't the first donation gala she's attended, and it wouldn't be the last.

"Karma," Ruby turned to face her daughter, she sucked her teeth once she noticed what had Karma's attention. "Really, I thought you came in to help."

Karma quickly sent another text before placing her phone upside down beside her. "Sorry, I'm here. What's up?"

"Bye, Karma. I knew I should have called Anastasia over." Ruby pouted, hanging the dress back in its original space in her closet.

"Eww," Karma scrunched up her face playfully. "Don't be like that. I say do something black, you always stand out in black."

"I don't know if I'm looking to stand out, it's not really that type of party," Ruby replied as she shuffled through more clothes in her overcrowded closet.

Truthfully, Ruby hadn't done much shopping since Demetrius passed. It was rare that she stepped out unless she was going to an event concerning the center. She was regretting not updating her wardrobe more than ever.

Karma stood from her spot on the bed and joined her mother in her closet. Her favorite pastime was rummaging through Ruby's closet, playing dress up in her clothes and high heels. There weren't many weekends where Karma didn't put on a fashion show from her mom's closet.

"A lady is always looking to stand out," Karma smiled holding out a black dress in front of Ruby. "This is giving sexy, yet chic."

Ruby gave Karma that look that mothers gave when you were doing too much, "Watch it now, I'm not your friend. I got your sexy." She warned, snatching the dress from Karma and holding it against her body.

"It is what it is Ma, I'm just giving props where props are due. Osiris going?" Karma asked, leaving the closet and plopping across the bed.

"Where'd that come from?" Ruby asked. She placed the dress Karma picked out along with a few accessories across the chair sitting in the corner of her room.

Karma shrugged, a slick smirk playing at the corner of her lips. "Just asking. You two have been spending a lot of time together. You like him?"

"Get your ass out Karma!" Ruby pointed towards her bedroom door.

It was a gift and curse growing up with her baby. Sometimes Karma forgot Ruby was her mom and handled her like they were friends. It was always respectful, but this was not a conversation Ruby was about to have with her teenaged daughter.

"What? It's not like the two of you haven't been spending lots of time together," Karma laughed. "I like Osiris, he's cool, and Dash is going to teach me to paint and customize my sneakers."

"Nobody's spending lots of time together, we're working. We are business partners, you know? We go over business plans, ideas, nothing more."

Karma looked up at Ruby wearing a goofy grin, "Why are you explaining?"

Picking up a pillow Ruby tossed it at Karma, "Bye! I have to get dressed. Go drill that homework like you're drilling me. I didn't forget about that C in biology. Dash won't be teaching you anything if that doesn't improve by next quarter."

"Wow, deflecting. I see you mama," Karma pointed with two fingers from her eyes towards Ruby. "I'll leave though."

"I bet, choose your battles." Ruby laughed, closing her room door behind Karma. She fell across the bed covering her face with a pillow, kicking her feet wildly.

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