Chapter Fifty Three ~ October

Comincia dall'inizio

But the truth is...

The truth is too hard to comprehend.

I blink. Mom is looking at me once again, hands clenched together in front of her body. Her dark hair is pushed back over her shoulders, the same color as mine. Her eyes are cloudy, full of emotions, yet still shining as emerald as always. The same as mine.

Her figure is sleight, far slimmer than mine. Her nose is more angular, her cheeks rounder, her ears smaller.

I used to play a game when I was younger, staring at pictures of my grandparents when they were younger, trying to decipher where I got most of my features from. Dad and I used to joke that his genes were overpowered by Mom's when it came to me.


We joked.

About something we had no idea was a fucking lie.

Subconsciously, I tilt my head to the side, analyzing my mother. She's not even holding herself with pride or dignity. She fucking ripped the family apart, but she's not even taking responsibility for her actions.

Stand tall. Stand high. Have some self worth.

I would.

Own your fucking mistakes.

But... is that just something that George Winters would do?


Something snaps inside me, an entire bond cracking within and causing me to tense in Ellis' arms. I'm overwhelmed as emotions slam into me, causing me to exhale loudly before I lift my hands, staring down at them. I don't recognise them. I don't recognize myself. I don't recognize the woman in front of me.

She lied to me. From the minute I was born she chose to deceive my very being. She made a fucking choice to keep everything hidden.

My mother betrayed my father. She was never the loyal, happy wife that she pretended to be. She was a fraud in designer clothing, cashing in his cheques and living her fucking best life with his wages. And she let someone else's daughter do the same. Instead of facing up to the consequences.

My entire heart has been ripped from my chest.

Stepping forward, I tear myself from Ellis' grasp as everyone freezes, turning to look at me. I pay them no attention, walking even further forward and watching as my mother's eyes widen.

"Becky, please, I never meant to..." she tries but I ignore her, lifting my hand and slamming it across her face. Her hair whips to the side as her head turns, pain surging through my palm only seconds later. I pay it no attention, feeling a tear slide down my cheek as I turn away from her, heading straight for the doorway and shoving my way through the crowds of people calling my name.

I'm done here.

I need to get away.

By the time I get to the front door, my vision is blurry, completely marred by the ridiculous water in my eyes. It's overflowing, falling onto my red dress and splotching it with dark patches.

I practically fall outside, the fresh air slamming into me like a tonne of bricks. I'm searching for breath, inhaling unsteadily as I make my way down the driveway, wracked with sobs.


I don't turn around.

"Becky!" This time he grabs onto my arm.

"Don't!" I snap, whirling around and pushing him away.

"Becky, please," Ellis begs, arms out towards me. I shake my head.

"Leave me alone."

"You can't be by yourself right now," Ellis argues.

I scoff. "Try me."

"Becky, this is what I'm here for—"

"To look after me when you find out I'm your best friend's sister? To console me when my dad is no longer my dad? To fuck me when I murder my own father?"

Ellis recoils at my words. "Don't."

"What?" I snap. "Don't tell the truth? I clearly didn't learn my morals from my mother."

"Don't push me away," he retorts.

"I'm not," I snap, turning around and continuing down the driveway.

"You are!" he calls after me. "I'm not leaving you on your own."

"For fucks sake, Ellis!" I break, whirling on my heel and stepping towards him, smacking my hands onto his chest. "Get it through your fucking head. I don't want you here."


"I mean it. Get the fuck away from me."


I laugh, a low, dry sound. Reaching up, I wipe at my eyes, not caring if I smudge my mascara. "What makes you think that I want to be around you right now?"

"I'm your—"

"Nothing. You're nothing," I cut him off. His face falls. "Not right now at least."

"Bec..." His voice is quiet. I shake my head.

"I need to be alone, Ellis." My own voice is small, defeated. "Please let me go."

His head drops to his chest and I close my eyes, breathing in the scent of his aftershave before I step backwards. My hands drop to my sides and I turn, leaving the wealthy Winters estate and stepping onto the street. Alone.

This time, no footsteps follow me.

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