ix | cheers to friendship

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CHAPTER 9 — cheers to friendship
S1:E3 "Body Double"

High School

THE REDHEAD CLUTCHED onto her bag's strap as she entered the school which was filled with chaos, as usual. Before she could take a step ahead, a furious black haired girl pushed by her, almost slamming into her. She didn't have the energy to reciprocate, although her insides were consumed with all the negative emotions. Hate, anger, the need to fire off on somebody or worse comes to worse, to kill someone.

"What the—Hey, what's going on?" She grabbed Betty's arm who was sprinting behind Veronica,

"Where the hell were you? You know how worried I got? People have been asking me left and right where you are! You are surprisingly famous, by the way." Aria gives her warning look, as if she's about to burst.

"I'm already pretty fucked up, Betts. If somebody pissed of any of our friends, I need to know."

"Why, so you can beat them up again?" Betty looked at with bewilderment, "Aria, is it acting up again?" She asked the redhead lowly,

Aria defensively stepped back for a moment but got her posture back as she asked, in a silent anger manner. "Betty, what the hell happened to her?"

"Chuck happened. Do you even know who she is?" Betty asked with genuine confusion to what goes through the redhead's mind,

"Yeah, the new girl, Lodge?" "Veronica." The blonde rolled her eyes, replying. "Right. Now was it just Chuck or more..?" "I am not giving you a hit list."

A scoff left Aria's mouth, as she turned away, making a plan with whatever information she got.

"It was the Clayton's!" She heard Betty's yells just before she was about to take a turn, "Thank you, Betty." She said lowly to herself, as she found her first victim.

Aria walked casually towards the Clayton boy who was waiting for his brother outside the boys locker room, she glanced around and coincidentally everybody were yet to get out of class in that hallway. She checked her watch to see only five minutes remaining for the last class to get over.

Like an animal ready to attack their prey, she struts to him and pulls into him a corner, "Tell your disgusting older brother to disrespectfully fuck off, and get his dirty little hands off of Veronica. Which I'm pretty sure you know about, of course you do. You both have no respect for women, do you?"

"What are you on, Asharia?—" Xavier managed to say that before she pushed him onto the wall, getting close to his face so he understands her point.

"No, you listen to me, Xavier. If you don't get the guys to stop with your god-awful act of playing with the girls, I will make sure you and your satan's spawn of a brother don't even have the opportunity to fuck other girls because I will chop it off, you understand me?" He tries to wiggle out of his grasp when he sees his brother getting out of the lockers with his gang,

"Also, another thing, Xav. Think about what will happen when Coach Clayton and Principal Weatherbee get to know about Amber." He froze, he thought nobody knew.

"Oh yeah, I know, about what you did to Amber, you rat. Then, threatening her with her family so she stays quiet? Such a low act, even for you. Unfortunately for you, she isn't the only one that know about it. And if you even think about doing something to them," She kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

"I will do something much worse than just hurt your balls." She spat and pushed him against the wall before walking away like nothing happened.

From her view, when she reached the locker, the boy stood there frozen. Soon, she started thinking about Jughead and Leo, and how she will have to tell them the truth as well. She did not want to loose them too. Aria was too lost in her thoughts to see an angry Clayton coming her way.

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