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S1:E2 "Touch of Evil"

High School, Common Room

"AND SHERIFF KELLER'S grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent. 'Cause I'd want Blossom dead. When he was like the only good quarterback that we had..." Aria tuned out Reggie's bullshit as she noticed the two boys next to her being abnormally quiet.

"Hey, I never got to ask. How did confronting Archie go?" As a response she got nothing but the boy sharing glances,

"Okay, agreed, stupid question. Since you both have been entirely ignoring him, and me. Even though, I don't know what the hell I did—" "You didn't do anything." Her eyes widened at Leo's reply,

"Oh, so you do have a tongue to speak with. I just thought it worked when it was down Veronica's throat."

"Wait, what? Veronica? I thought you guys danced at the semi-formal and that was it, there's more that I don't know?" Jughead asked exasperatedly, the blonde held his head in frustration. "There's nothing on with me and Veronica."

"Clearly," She glanced at Veronica and Chuck sitting far from them, "I just wanted to rub that in your face." Aria smirked evilly as the blonde boy glared at her,

"But, why, chuck? Why wasn't I informed about this beforehand?" Leo frowned, "Oh yeah, of course, you should've been told. I mean, you dance together once and you become besties, no?" Aria smiled annoying the blonde.

"There wasn't any reason for her to tell you anyway, Leo." Jughead told him, "Yeah, and even if she did, you guys wouldn't be friends after that."

"And why's that, spawn of satan?" Leo asked, least interested in knowing the answer because he knew it'll be some twisted joke of hers.

"Because she'd have to witness you going crazy, as you still withhold a very weird obsession with the Clayton's." Aria explained with Jughead nodding beside her, "I agree."

Before Leo could reply, "..some smug, moody, serial killer fanboy freak, like Jughead." Aria's eyes snapped to his, the jock almost backed down seeing the look in her eyes but he just couldn't let it go without having fun.

The people surrounding Reggie chuckled, including him. "What was it like, shooting Jason? You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like, after?"

The three sent him death glares, "It's called necrophilia, Reggie, can you spell it?" Jughead raised his eye brows, as if it ticked a switch in Reggie's brain, he jumped forward,

"Come here, you little—" But was pushed back by the blonde, towering over him and in front of Aria who was covering Jughead behind her. If looks could kill, anyone in the three's radar would've dropped dead.

"Back off, Reginald." Leo warned him lowly, "What's this got to do with you, Eli?" The black haired boy wasn't backing off,

"Hold on, did you and your blonde lover do it together?" Reggie asked the beanie boy at the back with laughter, "Who are you to point fingers at others, Reggie? Leave it alone." Aria wasn't a big fan of him, but she didn't hate him, he was usually nice to her when they were alone.

"Oh, don't tell me you're involved in this too, red hot. I mean, your standards stoop that low, that fast?" Archie finally had enough of Reggie's comments and pushed Reggie back, "Not my sister, Reginald." Reggie charged at the redhead boy, pushing him into the vending machine.

Jughead tried pulling him off of Archie but failed, while Leo punched one of the other jocks to tried to get ahold of Aria "Are y'all deaf? He just said, not her."

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