🤍 Chapter 98 🤍

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Yet at the same time, when Kimitsuki smiled at him with that lovely smile, her beautiful lilac eyes singing his praises to him, how could he not accept himself? Katsuki wanted to improve himself in her gaze. It was the only safety netting that kept him afloat. She trusted him with her happiness.

Kimitsuki looked at Katsuki in surprise when he suddenly pulled her closer, moving her on top of his body. Her wide lilac eyes looked at him in the sparse morning light, taken aback, but Katsuki simply wrapped his arms around her and got comfortable in his spot.

"Go to sleep, it's still early," Katsuki murmured, and he heard Kimitsuki let out a surprised laugh. "What? It's not funny – you should have at least eight to ten hours of sleep as a teenager,"

"Is that why Ka-Chan goes to sleep so early in the evening?" asked Kimitsuki teasingly. She chuckled again when he cracked one of his eyes open. "Alright, alright, I will sleep a little more,"

Katsuki felt Kimitsuki set her head against his chest, and he wished that he was taller than her and much bigger so he could completely hide her away. But he let himself not get out of hand right now.

"... I think I can sleep well when I am so close to you, Katsuki-Chan," admitted Kimitsuki quietly, and Katsuki could feel the smile in her words.

The level of comfort that Kimitsuki and Katsuki had reached with one another was something completely unexpected. Katsuki had never thought that Kimitsuki would come to him over Izuku when she felt unsafe. That she was share the bed with him, and not Izuku. It felt... good to be prioritised on certain aspects of her life.

It was a shame, however, that they could not share that bed every night, Katsuki felt. The thought of it made his skin burn but he tried to reason logically – he simply remained assured of her safety as long as her skin touched his skin. It made his sleep easier.

But Katsuki did not have the nerve to even suggest this idea to the girl. Kimitsuki couldn't just leave her entire dorm room up to come and spend the night with him. He was sure that Aizawa wouldn't approve of this behaviour either. Their teacher was a bit too protective over his student. All Might may not really like the idea of it either. And Izuku would be an annoyance.

The idiot would probably beg them to include him, too.

That was a shame, too, because there was only space for Kimitsuki in his bed. Katsuki didn't want to embarrass Kimitsuki, either. He knew that the girls teased her too much, with the biggest culprit being Mina. Even Katsuki wasn't spared of that girl's weird wiggling eyebrows.

However, the biggest shame was that with their first week of Work Studies completed, the remaining of the Class 1-A had returned to the dormitory to begin their third term. Kimitsuki was completely hoarded by others during the weekend, including during the mealtimes. Katsuki did not get to see much of her, especially of her alone, in their dormitory building – until he took his time to head to their first homeroom back that term.

It had been a normal routine and Katsuki had avoided Eijirou and Denki, taking his time to shower and change before he set off to the school. Everyone had already left, putting a good foot forward for their first day back, and the silence had been nice to witness.

Until Katsuki ran into none other than Kimitsuki, who appeared to be travelling from the staffroom to their classroom. It should have been a normal sight – but it wasn't. Not entirely, that is.

For there was a certain change in Kimitsuki. It wasn't her appearance – she was still beautiful as always – nor in the way she carried herself – which was elegant and poised. No, it was her tights.

Atonement [Bakugo Katsuki]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang