Know your place Mortal!

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"Okay so I have this idea about how to work on you trusting people who are close to you." Carlisle said to Angel as he stood back from her, "I'm going to draw a line on the floor of how close I'm allowed to get, then every few days we will talk about moving the line closer if you are able, keeping it the same if you need more time to get used to the new boundaries or move it away if you think we've moved too quickly, does this sound okay to you?" Carlisle asked and got a head nod from the little girl, he smiled at her "good," he said before taking a piece of chalk and drawing a line, about two metres away from her before sitting down at the line, "we can use this time to get used to each other and get to know each other, so is there anything you'd like to know about me ?" Carlisle asked her and she stared at him for a second "do you like butterflies?" She asked him and he nodded his head "I love butterflies, they're beautiful and their wings are amazing." He said with a smile making the girl smile as well before she moved onto the next question "What's your favourite colour?" She asked him and he thought for a second about his answer "ehmmm probably blue, I really like the colour blue." He said and she gasped "me too! That's my favourite colour as well! How cool is that! We have the same favourite colour!" She enthused with her smile getting bigger by the second, "can I ask you a question now?" Carlisle asked and the girl tentatively nodded her head "what's your favourite thing to do?" He asked her and she sat for a minutes thinking as a frown made its way onto her face making Carlisle frown as well "hey! Why are we all frowny all of a sudden?" He asked and she looked at him "there wasn't a lot to do in the basement but occasionally I would use my finger to draw in the dirt and practice my writing just like all the other children were doing at school." She told him and he frowned again "well we are going to make sure that you have plenty of things that you like to do." Carlisle said to her and she gasped and tilted her head to the side "Really?!" She said excitedly and Carlisle nodded his head "really, I promise." He said and 100% fully expected to keep that promise to the little girl as well.

After explaining everything to Charlie they all gave him a minute to digest all of the information. "Okay so you have golden brownish eyes because you decided that instead of human blood you would drink animal's blood instead?" And Carlisle nodded at that "yes pretty much, we didn't want to be monster's especially when we have someone young in our care who is half human, that would've been traumatic." He explained and Charlie looked at Caius, Marcus and the other two "and you all willingly drink human blood then? Because your eyes are all bright red." Charlie said before Marcus nodded and Charlie continued "wait when I was tracking the animal that cause the animal attacks around the place was that one of you?" He questioned and everyone went quiet "no that wasn't one of us, well yes it was a vampire but not any of us here. We met the vampires who caused it at our baseball game their names were Victoria, James and Laurent." Esme explained to Charlie who nodded "so when Bella left forks due to her 'break up' she was actually just doing it to escape from them." Charlie said and Alice nodded "as we explained about certain people having gifts, James gift was hunting, he loved locking on to one human and then hunting them down, he would either kill them, drain them dry or he would change them." Carlisle explained from beside his wife, "he had been able to spot the differences between the girls and us, and he decided that they would be his next hunt." Edward said looking towards Angel as the guilt was crushing him again, "and by 'the girls' you mean?" He said pressing for an answer "he knew Bella was human, that Angel wasn't normal after accusing her of being an immortal child only for us to explain ourselves and prove she wasn't an immortal child and he could also tell that Roxy was a shifter." Emmett said and Charlie looked down at the cast feeling bad for her. "God so that's how you got so badly hurt Angel? Because he came after you right?" Rosalie scoffed "not exactly." Was all she said before glaring at Bella and Angel was stuck here because not only would Charlie see what Bella did but so was the Volturi but she had to show Charlie what Bella was like, so she raised her hand and the empty space was filled with a memory

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