Surprise, Surprise

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Steve gets us home safely, and we tell him our goodbyes. I hug him, and so does Sasha before running inside to her fluffy best friend. "Is it true? You're pregnant again?" he asks with sparkling eyes, visibly excited. A clear indication that he loves being an uncle to the little ones. I nod to answer his question. "Yeah, we wanted to make the whole thing at the compound short, so we moved the ultrasound to next time. The blood test came back positive though" I tell, and his grin only grows brighter, "That's amazing. I bet Yelena is going to be thrilled." He offers, and I hum, agreeing with his statement.

After the continuing short conversation, we officially say our goodbyes, and he flies off again. He loves his role as uncle in all the kids' lives, and that just warms my heart. 

I head inside, smiling at the sight before me. Sasha playing tug of war with Fanny and our pup knows to be gentle, even if Ash is bigger and more stable on her own feet. "Малютка, do you want to draw s card for mommy to give her the good news when she comes home? (baby)" I ask and hear a small gasp before Sasha nods, petting Fanny, letting her have the toy before running off to her room, getting her coloring pencils and markers and all the other drawing supplies she has in a little organizer box.

She takes the box to the coffee table in the living room. I grab a few sheets of paper for her and also set them down on the table by the box. She sits down and begins to scribble some flowers down on the paper. I kiss her on the head and tell her that I'll be in the kitchen if she needs anything from me.

I make something small for lunch and call Sasha to the table once I'm done, letting her eat her food while I think of ways we could go about announcing the news to Lena. Soon after lunch, Sasha says she's done with her drawing and shows it to me. It's adorable little flowers with all of us standing together holding hands, and Sasha added a belly with a baby in it on the little stick figure that's supposed to be me. The little drawing melts my heart. 

As soon as Sasha is done, we already head over to Wanda- and Nat's. I text Lena about it too.

-Hi, baby. We're going over to Wands- and Talia's already. So you can head home, change and then come over there. 

-Alright, sounds good. It's been a rough day. I miss you and our bugs.

-I'm sorry, my love. We miss you too. See you soon, Sasha is getting impatient, she wants to go play with Ozzy. I love you <3

-I love you too. Don't keep the little butterfly waiting. <33

I smile down at the messages on the screen. I put my phone away and get Sasha and Fanny ready to leave. Sasha takes Fanny's lead and puts it on Fanny's collar, walking out with her. I follow them, closing the door behind me.

We get to the other front door within a few minutes, and Sasha hops up to ring the doorbell. Oscar opens the door, hugging Sasha as they both squeak in excitement. I smile down at them and Wanda pops up by the doorway beaming back at me. "Y/n/n!" she says, hugging me shortly, "Hi, Wands. We have to head to the store in a bit." I offer as she loosens her hold on me. "Why?" she questions as the kids run off to play.

Fanny bumps Wanda's leg to get her attention. She gives Fanny some pets and some attention before Nat calls her over and starts roughhousing with her. "We could head to the store now. Before Yelena gets back from work because I have to get a few things to surprise her." I tell, and she nods, "Sure I'll just get my bag and let Natasha know that she's alone with the kids." she says and, I hum in agreement.

I quickly head to the backyard, walking over to the swing set where Oscar and Sasha are playing on the swings. "Малютка, mama's going to head to the store really quick to get a few things for mommy's surprise. You can't tell anyone what it is, we'll do a big reveal once Mommy gets here, okay? (baby)" I explain and Sasha hums while bowing her head, giving me a quick hug and a kiss on my cheek before I have to leave.

Wanda and I go to her car and start the short drive to the store. "What do you need at the store exactly? Do we have to go to a specific store or anything?" She queries and I hum, thinking shortly. "Nothing specific, just some baby stuff." I say, and Wands just nods before pausing her movements, freezing mid-nod. "Wait... baby stuff - Are you pregnant?!" she gasps, making me let out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, we found out this morning at the appointment with Bruce." I smile. Wanda takes my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm so happy for you guys." She beams brightly and I bow my head smiling. "Thanks Wands."

We arrive at the store and end up getting a two pack of pacifiers and newborn onesies because we couldn't find any single ones. We also found a shirt that has 'big sister' on it for Sasha, as well as a little paper gift-bag for everything.

Once we're back at the house, Wanda gives me a pen and I write a short paragraph breaking the news to Yelena in the card that Sasha made. I put all of that into the gift-bag, so it's ready for when my wife gets here. 

Now all that's left to do is wait for her to be done with work and come here.

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