Dead or Alive

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The next morning while Sasha's out playing in the backyard with Fanny I'm taking the moment to talk about when Sasha was missing to Yelena.

"Who thought they could take our daughter and get away with it?" She asks as I nuzzle myself into her side in the couch. "She's in the Stark tower. It was Maria." I mumble into her shoulder and her whole body freezes "Maria?" She asks bitterly and I nod. "I'll stop by later." She mumbles against my forehead. "I love you" I whisper closing my eyes making Lena chuckle at the random statement "I love you too, дорогой (darling)" she returns easily.

I end up napping on Lena's shoulder waking up at noon, in time to make lunch. I decide to just cut up some fruit and mix that with some yogurt and granola since neither Sasha nor Lena seem hungry at the moment. As I'm setting the table a pair of hands wrap around my waist "Spencer was here too. He went through the yard." I mumble leaning back against her slightly. "How did he find this place?" She huffs and I shrug in response. "Not sure" I say turning around to face her.

She cups my face gently stroking my cheek a bit "Are you okay?" She asks and I nod "Yeah I'm good" I say quietly leaning towards her laying my forehead against hers quickly pecking her lips. "Are you coming with me?" She asks "To see Maria?" I ask and she nods. "I am." I say quietly. "Go get the little bug for lunch, I'll fill Fanny's bowls" I offer and she nods going to the backyard to get our baby.

After lunch we drop our girls off at Wanda- and Nat's and head to the compound to see the bitch that had the audacity to kidnap our daughter.

We walk through the compound to Maria's cell. "Lena's home!" She exclaims to which I'm only able to give an eye roll. "Ты, чертова сука, ты серьезно думал, что можешь просто забрать нашу дочь? (You fucking bitch, did you seriously think you could just take our daughter?)" Yelena yells and Maria squints her eyes "Yeah I didn't understand a word" Maria mumbles in return. After a bit of translating help from me she scoffs. "Don't call me a bitch, you were about to marry me!" She counters which just makes my blood boil.

Maria notices and just keeps reminding us that Yelena and her were about to get married and other crap I'm too distracted to even listen to. "Let's be real, you loved me so you won't hurt me." She says and that snaps something in Yelena. "Those pathetic bars are the only thing keeping me from it Maria. I'd snap your spine in all it's single vertebrae but sadly I can't do that until you're out of this cage which by the way will be never. If you go near my daughter or family ever again I promise most of your bones will be broken." She says in a tone I've only heard out of her a few times, years ago when she was scolding the boys in class. Her teacher scolding tone or whatever I can call it.

Someone opens the door and Yelena walks in there giving Maria the beating of her life ending up, knocking her out and leaving her with a few broken bones promising that'll be more if she comes near Sasha again. We head into med bay where I fix up her hands, before we head back home.

We pick up the two babies and go home "Mommy wha' happened 'o your hands?" Sasha asks when she sees the bandages around her mommy's hands. "I just got a little hurt but mama made it all better" she says smiling which makes the little bean smile too "Mama makes boo-boo's go away!" She says clapping her little hands making me smile. "I try to" I correct before Sasha decides that it's movie night again.

Sasha sits with Fanny while I snuggle into Yelena resting my hand on her thigh. She sets her hand on mine pulling me closer with her free hand. I lift my hand from her thigh and she huffs but sets hers on my thigh now. I put my hands on hers gently playing with the bandage on her knuckles.

At some point I'm already asleep but I feel the warmth leave but then pick me up. I open my eyes to be met by the gaze of my beautiful wife and just keep looking at her. Once she notices she her face turns a little confused "Something wrong?" She questions and I shake my head in response. "No, my wife is pretty" I manage to mumble before getting set down in bed.

When Yelena joins me in bed I snuggle into her "Where's Sasha?" I mumble and Lena keeps me close kissing my forehead "I already brought her to bed, дорогой, don't worry (darling)" she assures and I nod but open my eyes again to look up at her. "My love" I say softly when I notice her eyes closed.

She hums in question and opens her eyes "I want another date night" I request which makes a smile break out on her face and she nods "Me too we should have one soon" she easily agrees "Can it be this week? I miss my wife and being between her legs" I get right to the point which makes her chuckle and nod "We don't need a date night just for that though" she states to which I roll my eyes.

"I know we don't but I also just miss time with my wife. You were gone for a month, my love" I slightly complain which makes her chuckle and nod again. "We can have a date night, детка (baby)" she agrees starting to play with my hair we stay cuddling for a little while before her hand raking through my hair lulls me to sleep.

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