Date Night pt. 2

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Once Yelena comes back I pull her down in bed with me and kiss her pouring all my lust, want and need into that kiss. She reciprocates it easily. Our clothes seem to quickly vanish as I straddle Yelena getting on her lap continuing our kiss whilst Lena wraps her arms around my waist making my back arch into her.

I gently pull back moving to her neck to leave a few marks under her jaw. Her little grunts and soft moans are like music to my ears. Soon enough she tilts forward keeping her hand behind my back setting me down on the bed kissing up my body back to my lips. I kiss back for a moment before she pulls back to move to kiss my neck immediately finding the spot that makes me shudder and makes my breaths quicker.

Soon she moves back giving me a few wet kisses her tongue exploring my mouth before continuing to kiss down my body eventually getting between my legs.

After what seems like a life time of teasing I've had enough and can't keep enduring it any longer "Елена Белова Клянусь Богом, если ты чего-то не сделаешь, я сделаю это сама. (Yelena Belova I swear to God if you don't do something, I'll do it myself.)" I huff trying to get her to touch me in even the slightest of ways.

From the amused smirk that forms on her lips it seems that, that was all that she wanted to hear. I grumble slightly wanting to cross my arms but they swiftly get pinned above my head making me gasp.

Looking up I see Yelena's dark eyes blown with lust. She wants this just as bad as me but insists on being a huge tease.

My almost grouchy face quickly scrunches up in pleasure as her fingers shoot into me giving me the ultimate pleasure that I've been craving.

Quickly the room is filled with heaving breaths and loud moans mixed with various English and Russian curses as well as other whimpers and groans, while my wife's skilled fingers work within me drawing pleasureful whines out of me while my body starts taking it all in starting to tremble lightly. An almost jittery feeling coursing through out my whole body.

I let go as Yelena leans down to kiss me moaning loudly against her lips.

I feel her proud grin against my lips making me pull her in more by the back of her neck. Managing to get in top of her returning the favor.

Once we're done we're both laying next to each other our hands lazily tangling together smiling at each other as we gaze into each others eyes sharing gentle drowsy slow kisses between short pecks as well.

"Wanna take a bath or shower?" Yelena offers and I hum, too tired to get up now. "Later, now I just want cuddles and enjoy the time I have with you before Fanny and Sasha get back." I mumble against her cheek and she nods her hand traveling up and down my back gently.

"Baby that'll put me to sleep" I almost whine complaining and she hums "Well we should sleep it's like 3 and we have to pick up Sasha and Fanny at 6 and then spend the whole day with them and that takes energy" she explains having a good point as usual making me sigh and nod.

I give in soaking up all her touch before falling asleep nestled against her.

The next morning we wake up earlier than usual to take a shower since we didn't the night before. We make a quick bite to eat before going to the Romanoff house to pick up our girls.

When we get to the door we hear yelling so we open the door, the sight of Wanda and Nat yelling at each other surprising us. Sasha running to us sobbing "Mama, Mommy! Don' like aun'ies screaming" she says as I pick her up handing her to Lena before getting Fanny too. Letting them argue out whatever they're arguing about.

When I turn back to Lena with Fanny leashed attached to my hand I awe at Sasha who's hiding in Lena's neck. I walk up to them rubbing Ashe's back as we head back to our home.

"Mama, will aun'ies no' love now?" She asks me pouting and I shake my head "Of course they will baby. Everyone argues sometimes, even me and mommy" I explain and she hums looking over at the tv and coffee table. "Can we draw and watch a movie?" She asks and I nod.

We watch movies and draw with Sasha for a while Fanny sleeping behind Sasha who's sitting by the coffee table drawing and coloring.

I get up kissing her head before giving Lena a kiss too before going to make food since everyone is probably getting hungry.

The rest of the day passes quickly and we get Sasha to bed easily.

I also make sure to text Wanda and Nat to make sure they're okay before going to bed and as expected they are fine again now.

LONG AWAITED CHAPTER FINALLY HERE. After a bit of reading and also partially waiting I got motivation to finally finish writing this. The next chapter is gonna be interesting and there'll be a few time skips in the next chapters because I wanna finally finish this series hopefully I will stay motivated to write 🥲

Thank you for all the support and love for this series i never thought that it's go this far but here we are.


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