Burner Phone

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We went to the park yesterday but didn't have any luck which only infuriated me. I called Nick and told him about it and yet he still wouldn't let me talk to Yelena, saying that it could blow her cover. That really made me hate him. Our daughter is missing and that one eyed, pirate looking asshole won't let me talk to my wife. She has a special phone, to which he has to connect me so I can't just call her, as much as I want to. I asked him why she couldn't just get a burner phone and just despise of it when we're done talking. He said nothing after that.

Natasha left this morning to go see Bruce again. I'm at Wanda and Nat's with Fanny I'm currently hiding in their bedroom so my nephew doesn't have to see me like this. I took Sasha's butterfly with me and am laying in bed with it right now. Fanny pokes me with her paw and yaps. "Fanny, please." I groan closing my eyes, stuffing my face into the butterfly's wing.

Fanny grumbles and walks off only to return moments later, pulling Wanda with her by her sleeve. "Fanny leave Wanda alone." I grumble. Turning away from them. "Y/n why don't you come bake with Os?" Wanda offers and I shake my head. I grab my phone and start to look at pictures I've snapped of my baby.

 I grab my phone and start to look at pictures I've snapped of my baby

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Wanda sighs and slowly takes my phone from me when I'm in tears again

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Wanda sighs and slowly takes my phone from me when I'm in tears again. "Don't make it harder for yourself." Wanda says stroking my head lightly as she sits down next to me. "I need her. She's the person who's keeping me from falling apart while Yelena's away!" I mumble. That's when my phone rings. Wanda looks at it and scrunches her brows. "Unknown number." She says handing it over.

I pick up and sniffle wiping my nose. "Baby? Were you crying?" I hear Yelena's voice and start to sob again. "Hey, shh.. My love what's going on?" She asks. "I got a burner phone Fury said to get rid of it once we're done talking. Said it was your idea." She explains and I sniffle again. "Are you okay, love?" She asks and I let out a breath shaking my head a little, to myself. "No, not at all." I mumble and there's silence for a brief moment. "Why? What's wrong." She asks. "Barely after a week of you being gone and Sasha goes missing too." I tell and she gasps.

She has a whole freak out herself and I explain everything that's happened and she sighs. "I'll be home soon. If you won't have found her by then, than you know that I definitely will, try to take it easy though. Let Nat and Bruce do their thing and maybe it won't be long until you find her." Yelena tries to cheer me up a bit. "Well, what if she's hurt or worse!? All because I left her with a babysitter." I groan.

"Don't think that way!" Yelena scolds before cursing. "Fuck. I love you, so much. Keep your head up for me but I have to go now." She says and I hum. "I love you too, please be careful." I mumble she hums a 'always' before hanging up. "Did Yelena help you?" Wanda asks and I shrug. "A little." I mumble and lean onto Wanda's shoulder. "Oscar, bub can you come here? Auntie Y/n needs your magic cuddles!" Wanda exclaims and the little man comes rushing into the room. "Cuddles!" He says and throws himself my way, hugging me tight.

I chuckle and rub his back. "Thanks, buddy." I thank and he smiles and crawls higher and kisses my cheek. "Momma is the best at hide and seek. She can find Asha for you 'tie!" He says and I nod. "I hope she will." I say and he grins. "Mommy can we have spaghetti?" He asks randomly making both Wanda and I laugh. "Sure, honey." She agrees and I nod, not minding it.

He climbs over to Wanda and hugs her. "Thank you, mommy!" He thanks her with a kiss on her cheek and Wanda returns it. "No problem, monkey." She chuckles and he giggles. Fanny waggs her tail and puts her paw over my legs. "Thank you too, my good girl." I thank Fanny kissing her furry snoot. She struts off with Oscar and I sigh. "That dog knows what I need better than I do." I state and Wanda nods. "That's why she's your guys' dog. She cares about you and intensively learned how to do that from Yelena while you were blipped." She states and I put my hand over her mouth.

"Stop talking about more sad things." I groan and sigh. "I just want to hug her. She must be so scared. Whoever decided to traumatize my child is up for fucking death." I mumble and Wanda chuckles "Okay okay. Let's go bake before you explode something. Your eyes are glowing purple." She states and I furrow my brows before I realize. "Oh yeah... I forgot I can manipulate energy. I haven't gotten mad enough for them to bubble up in a while." I offer and Wanda nods.

"Well, you don't have a wife that wants to anger you so you're good." Wanda chuckles. I nod and smirk. "Nat must piss herself when you get mad." I assume and she nods. "She does." Wanda confirms. "Alright, let's go bake!" She exclaims. "Oscar do you want to make brownies and cookies with auntie Y/n?" She yells ans we here the little feet rushing to us again, followed by paws.

"Yes! Please 'tie!" He asks and I chuckle. "Alright, let's go, little baker." I say and he does a little happy dance and snatches my hand, pulling me to the kitchen.

Baking will hopefully take my mind off all this.

While Oscar and I start Wanda walks off to call Nat. Once she comes back she says that they have nothing yet but I try to ignore what feelings it has triggered in me.

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