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I was leaving my baby with some random person, I didn't even know if I could trust. I was forced to but this girl seemed nice. I gave her a whole ass list to follow for Sasha. Sasha didn't seem to like the idea but was slowly warming up to her. "Baby, I'm sorry but I have to go, be a good girl for Sadie, okay?" I offer and she nods. "Alright. I'll see you when I get home, I love you." I say kissing her forehead a few times, holding her in the hug she's giving me. "I love you too, mama!" She says and I smile at her. I wave to her and she offers a little wave back before going to play with Fanny.

"Got everything? The list?" I ask and Sadie nods. "Yeah, everything is on the table, right where you left it, Mrs. Belova." She mumbles. "You sound nervous, don't be. Sasha's an easy kid." I assure and she bows her head in understanding.

It feels weird and scary leaving my daughter with some stranger. It's not what I usually do so it's just unusual.

My day drags even though I only have to work until around 3 instead of the normal 6. I keep looking up at the time and it's only 1.40. My phone rings and my heart drops. I answer it in a matter of seconds.

"Mrs. Belova?" Sadie's voice rings through my ears, shakily. "Sadie?" I question and she takes a deep breath. "I uh- Sasha wanted to go to the park and so we-we did." She starts and I groan. "Sadie, I don't care what you guys did all day! What happened?!" I yell through the phone, not even meaning to. "I- I turned around for one second and she was gone!" She blurts out and I can feel my blood freeze.

"What are you talking about?!" I ask frantically getting all my belongings, ready to run to my car. "Sasha she just disappeared. She yelled my name and when I turned around to look at her she- She was gone!" She explains shakily. It feels like my lungs shrunk or something, I can't breathe. She fucking lost my daughter! "Are you fucking joking?!" I scream into the phone and I hear her wince. "Wasn't Fanny with her or something?!" I ask and she sighs. "I didn't take Fanny with us." She says and I groan. "Try to find her, I'm on my way!" I huff and hang up.

I run out to my car and feel the emotions tower over me. First my wife goes off on a mission and isn't home and now my daughter goes missing?! What if I don't find her?! Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!

I grab my phone and call Wanda in my hyperventilating state. "Y/n?" She questions and I sob into the phone. "Y/n? Y/n what's wrong? What happened?" She asks and I struggle to talk. "Sadie. The-the babysitter-" I start "Yeah? What's up with her?" She asks and I release another sob. "She lost Sasha!" I yelp and Wanda gasps. "WHAT?! How?!-"  she questions before cutting herself off. "You know what, doesn't matter. We'll meet you at yours. It's going to be okay, we'll find her, okay?" Wanda asks "Mhm" I hum shakily. "Can you drive?" She asks and I nod to myself. "Y-yeah. I think so. I'll manage." I state and start speeding home.

I probably broke the speed limit the whole time but I don't give a shit, my daughter is fucking missing and I need to find her.

I get home in a matter of minutes and step out running inside. "Sadie?!" I yell and she peeps out from the corner. "How could you lose her?! You were responsible for her!" I huff and she nods. "I know, I'm sorry!" She states and I groan. "A sorry won't find Sasha!" I yell and huff pointing to the door. "Get out." I mumble still managing to keep my emotions in check. "Sadie are you deaf?! I SAID GET YOUR ASS THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yell and Fanny starts growling at the girl. She rushes out of the house.

I collapse to the floor, crying and Fanny runs up to me pushing her head into my lap. I'm not sure how long I was weeping like an idiot while I could've been out looking for my baby but I feel a hand slide onto my shoulder and u turn to see Wanda. I leap into her arms, still sobbing.

"Shh. If anyone can find her then Natasha can." She assures with tears in her own eyes and I nod. "Momma why is 'tie Y/n/n crying?" Oscar mumbles to Nat. Nat sighs and rubs his back. "Because she can't find Sasha, bud. She's playing hide and seek and she's very upset that she can't find her because she wants to play a different game but she has to keep playing hide and seek with Sasha because she's still hiding." She tries to explain. Nat sets him down and he runs over to me. "Don't be sad 'tie. I help find Asha." He says hugging me. I smile at the caring boy and ruffle his ginger hair. "Thank you for your help, Oscar." I say and he smiles and runs around the house looking for Sasha.

Nat hugs me tightly. "I can find her. I'll ask Bruce for some help and we'll find her in no time. I promise." She says and I nod. "Can we go to that stupid park, maybe we'll have some luck?" I mumble and Wanda frowns at me. "I doubt she's there, Y/n/n" she says sadly and I groan. "But I have to try and look for her! Maybe she's there? I can't just sit and do nothing!" I say the desperation in my voice, clear.

Nat shakes her head. "If it's someone dangerous we don't want to anger them. It could lead to them hurting Sasha." Nat says and I groan in defeat, knowing that she's probably right.

Soooo.... How's the weather?... Heh..

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