I try to shake away the filthy images as guilt eats at me. Lately when it comes to her I can't seem to get my mind out the gutter.

"So what it is you want to talk about." She glances at me expectedly.

I sigh deeply, my breathing shaking as I let it out. Another swipe of my palms, and I see her watch me with interest and slight amusement.

"So, I was wondering if....if you would like to go away with me tomorrow." I quietly mutter out avoiding her gaze.

It seem like minutes passed by, but I know it was probably only seconds.

I feel soft fingertips upon my hand as I glance at her. The feeling of her touch sending little sparks of energy through my arm that is making me warm.

A calm expression on her face as she watches me, it instantly makes me less anxious.

"Of course I will go away with you." She says with a big smile that showed off white teeth.

"Where are we going?"

I give her a small shake of my head as I give her a confident smirk. "That's for me to worry about, and you to find out."

She groans as she looks at me with fake annoyance. "I hate surprises, I have no patience." She pouts.

I laugh, "I promise you will like this one. You only have to wait a day. Also bring a bag of extra clothes."

She cocks her eyebrow with curious amusement. "And prey tell what are you planning on us doing."

I swallow harshly my throat going dry as I feel her foot rub against my pants leg under the table.

The blush coming full force on my cheeks as I felt the heat rush to them. She watches me amusingly her expression deepening as lust fills her eyes.

No wonder her, and Sin have so much sexual tension they both thrive off watching people squirm.

My cock stiffens in my jeans, as her foot gets dangerously close to it.

"Umm..I" I stutter.

She smirks at that.

"Well....I don't want to assume anything, but we can do what you want too." I say to her as I have trouble spitting out my words.

She watches me for a few seconds, her gaze softening before getting up and coming to the booth I am sitting in.

I scoot to make room for her, as I feel her mouth on my cheek. Her lips are gone before I can register if it even happened.

I can still feel the warmth of her lips on my face, as I gaze down at her. I cup my cheek suprised by the action "What was that for."

She shrugs giving me a little giggle that I wish I could here again and again. Her laughter having a calming effect on me as it goes straight through my chest.

I could feel the corners of my mouth tugging up as I observe her. God she is so fucking beautiful.

"I just think you're adorable is all." She replies nonchalant.

Yet I could see her eyes gleaming with contempt, and happiness as she faces me.

Before she could look away, I place my forefinger and thumb on her dainty chin as I quickly place my mouth on hers.

I could feel her shocked expression as I take her suprised gasp into my mouth. Her lips immediately soften. Her fingernails going to the nape of my neck.

I could feel her nails running through my hair that made my heart beat fast and my cock hard. How I want so bad to feel them in my back as I feel all of her.

She moans softly, but I break away from the kiss before we get carried away.

I peer into her eyes as she does the same. I will her to see how she makes me feel. Her eyes saying much of the same as well.

I can see happiness, comfort, and something else. Something big, but she blinks and it's gone before I could name it.

"What was that for." She repeats my previous words. Her cheeks red and her lips slightly swollen.

I shrug giving her a smug smirk of my own. "Just think you're adorable is all." I reply with a wink.

She giggles lightly before bumping her shoulder with mine.

I laugh as a waitress sets down a plate of fries. She pops one in a mouth and does a little happy dance. I smile with amusement as I watch her.

I may not have much experience with girls, and I am not as confident like Heath and Sin.

Somehow though Stevie never makes me feel like I am inadequate compared to them. She makes me feel like the confident man I wish I would be.

She doesn't care I am a nervous fool around her, or the fact I am not as self-assure as my friends.

She makes me feel normal, and just as important as them. I feel as I can do anything around her, and she will always support me.

It's quite addicting. I see myself getting use to it. Maybe even forever.

Yeah. As I think on it. Forever is starting to sound pretty damn good.

I never won't to loose this feeling.

Beau is such a sweetheart.

Posting two chapters today! Hope you enjoy my darlings.

<3 Victoria

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