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Regulus: Merlin did Lucius's father marry the dark lord!?

Klaus: No, but I'm pretty sure they're dating

Lucius: Ugh, please no

Lucius: My father could do better

Regulus: True but it seems your father is into psychopaths

Regulus: Or is the dark lord a sociopath?

Klaus: What's the difference?

Regulus: fuck if I know

Lucius: Does it matter?

Klaus: Yes, so we know what type your father is into

Lucius: Ugh can we drop this conversation and go back to the one of guessing who's married?

Klaus: I'm married, now where's Sev I'm sure he knows the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath

Regulus: Probably doing something illegal in some house Evan has him hidden in

Klaus: I forgot that Evan kidnapped Sev

Klaus: Good for him

Lucius: Hold on! Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Klaus said he was married!!?!!?!!???

Regulus: Yeah, why not, we have more important things to discuss

Klaus: Reg is correct

Rabastan: Corrected about what?

Klaus: Here's two topics and you tell me which one is more important

Klaus: Me getting married or figuring out if the dark lord is a psychopath or a sociopath which then will tell us what type of people Lucius's father is into

Rabastan: The second one is more important

Lucius: It is not!!!

Klaus: Thank you Rabastan

Regulus: Rab, ask sev what the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is

Rabastan: Alright

Lucius: Klaus who did you marry??!?!!??

Klaus: Wes, why?

Barty: Holy shit you married Wes?!

Klaus: Yes?

Lucius: Merlin.....how'd that happen?!!??!?

Klaus: I was talking to Evan about Wes and how I didn't like some of the people Wes dated cause they aren't good enough for my best friend plus I don't like the thought of Wes leaving me

Klaus: So I asked Evan for a way to keep people away from Wes and to kinda prevent Wes from leaving my side and he suggested marriage

Klaus: I was hesitant at first cause me and Wes aren't in love with each other but Evan said loads of best friends get married to each other in order to stay together so here we are

Klaus: Tho now me and Wes got to do couple stuff so are marriage is believable, which in all honesty isn't bad cause it's with Wes, if it was anyone else I would murder them

Lucius: .......

Lucius: I don't know wether to feel bad for Wes or feel happy for him

Barty: I'm happy for Wes cause his feelings are recorporated, I feel bad for him cause Klaus is to stupid to realize it

Klaus: Hey!! what's that supposed to mean!?

Lucius: It means you're a dense fucking moron!!!

Regulus: He's right

Klaus: I am not a moron! Nor am I dense!!

Rabastan: God, I wonder how Wes is doing

Rabastan: Did you guys kiss when you got married?

Klaus: Yeah, obviously, Evan said if we didn't then we wouldn't actually be married and they'd take Wes from me

Regulus: Who's they?

Klaus: I don't know, all I know is that I didn't want them to take Wes from me

Lucius: ...It's difficult hearing you talk about how in love you are with Wes but not knowing you're in love with him

Klaus: I'm not in love with him tho?

Regulus: God this is painful....

Klaus: What?!


Klaus: Wes is my friend, my best friend and now husband

Klaus: And just cause I want to be by his side and have his attention 24/7 doesn't mean I'm in love with him

Rabastan: Sure bud, whatever you believe

Lucius: I'm gonna go drink, this is to much

Regulus: Can I join you?

Lucius: Sure

Regulus: Thank goodness

Barty: Klaus you're a moron

Klaus: Fuck off!

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