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lucius: some explain to me why Crouch showed up at my home covered in yolk last night

lucius: he passed out the minute I opened the door

lucius: I was to tired to care but now I'm awake and my floor is ruined

avery: that what he gets for not having candy on halloween

lucius: he smells

severus: he always smells that's nothing new

lucius: he smells worse than usual

severus: it's the eggs that were thrown at him

lucius: did you do this?

severus: no, I but thank who ever did

avery: it was Rosier and Mulciber

evan: you're welcome

severus: thank you

lucius: come get him out of my house

evan: I'm gonna throw him in a dumpster

lucius: I don't care what you do just get him out of my house

evan: yeah yeah

mulciber: set the dumpster on fire once you throw him in it

evan: smart idea

barty: that's an awful idea!

severus: or just set barty on fire

evan: even better

barty: NO!

avery: barty at this point no one really cares

barty: rude :(

avery: .....

avery: ugh

avery: don't kill barty just spray him with water

barty: yay! :)

evan: you're a buzzkill and a softy it sucks

avery: I know

severus: tragic

mulciber: tragic indeed

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