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Severus: I. Am. ✨ALIVE✨

Regulus: What happened to you anyways?!

Severus: Irrelevant

Lucius: He purposely caused an explosion

Regulus: What!!



Evan: Well see now that's a valid reason

Lucius: Severus could have died!!

Evan: But he didn't

Severus: Yeah I didn't!

Regulus: I'm still confused to be honest

Severus: Dumbledore and Lupin came into the potions classroom while I was making a potion.

Severus: Dumbledore then asked me to teach Lupin how to make a syllabus and stuff.

Severus: So in order to avoid having to be alone with him I added something to the potion I was making to cause an explosion :)

Regulus: You could have just said no??

Severus: Don't tell me how to deal with shit involving my abuser

Mulciber: So are Dumbledore and Lupin in the hospital too?

Avery: Are they dead?

Evan: Please say yes to both

Alecto: It's fine if you say no to both

Amycus: Yeah, cause things can happen and change everything

Lucius: Is everybody just protective over Severus now?

Regulus: It seems like it, yes

Severus: Gross

Severus: Anyways Dumbledore and Lupin are in the hospital and no they aren't dead.

Evan: Well then if you'll excuse us, we'll be back

Mulciber: And if we aren't back then we got arrested

Avery: If that's the case then it's both Evan and Mulciber's fault

Severus: Noted, have fun

Lucius: They're idiots

Severus: They mean well

Regulus: Only to you

Severus: That makes it even better

Severus: You think if I ask they'll kill Black?

Alecto: Oooo!!! I wanna kill him!!

Severus: Deal!

Alecto: Yay!!!!

Regulus: Ruin his hair first, that'll piss him off

Alecto: Yes sir!!

Lucius: Well glad to see you all bonding

Severus: Can I keep the body parts?

Lucius: Take the medication the doctors give you and I'll have Alecto send you whatever body parts you want for potions

Severus: Ugh.....

Severus: .....Deal but I'm gonna be bitchy about it

Lucius: So long as you take the medicine

Lucius: Amycus go with Alecto to kill black and insure that the body parts Severus wants stays intact

Amycus: Got it

Severus: Yay, I'm finally getting vengeance!

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