Chapter Sixty Five

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Tomorrow night Arilynn flies out to Seattle, and despite my own wishes to go, I was stuck here in Boston for the four day duration that she'd be gone which by then spring break would have started and I could take her elsewhere, likely to some place she's never been before but still local to us so neither of us get kidnapped.

Currently both of us sat on the floor of our bedroom with my laptop set up while our current favourite show played quietly with both of us taking study notes.

"I am not looking forward to this lecture, it's a three hour video" Arilynn mutters clicking her pen a few times before stopping.

"This lecture makes me want to set a world record in mental suicide" I darkly remark before adding another box to my flow chart.

"It is mental suicide I have a headache looking at it" Arilynn says and I just smirk.

"Should say fuck it and go pick up an SF90 for fun" I say.

"A million dollar car for fun?".

"You wanted to know what my lifestyle is like. I get bored I buy something, besides a night drive sounds fun, we'll go to the harbour".

"Are you a billionaire or a mafia leader?" Arilynn asks and I just smile thinking about what my parents told me last year.

"If someone fucks with you I will" I say drawing the connecting line, and starting to type in words to describe what the box was supposed to show. Our prof had explained that we'd be defining logistics, and statistics within the business world, and we had to create a theoretical one based on the trends we learnt about in class.

"I know you would, also where is the nearest Ferrari Dealership?".

"New England about twenty minutes South".

Arilynn then got a small smile that said more then any words possibly could have.

"We could do it, I'm not pressuring you to buy a new car, but if you wanted I'd got for a night drive with you. I'd travel the world with you".

Now I was smiling and I couldn't stop, the image of Arilynn going with me everywhere was one that I was enjoying the longer it sat in my head.

"Alright, get your shoes on" I say hitting pause on our show along with closing my iPad before following Arilynn to the lobby of our apartment and putting in the new pair of Jordan's I'd bought the other day, and stepping into the elevator which she was holding open by standing in the doorway.

We then travelled down to the ground floor of the building while I pulled out my phone to contact Vesper though she had a lot on her plate right now so I went with the next best option. Tatyana.

The phone barely rang for five seconds when she had answered me.

"Mr. Winters, what can I do for you darling" my Personal Assistant asks sounding energetic and quick as usual.

"I just need a ride to Ferrari New England to pay for the SF90 sitting in their showroom" I say exhaling into the phone.

"Just yourself, or will the lovely Arilynn be joining you".

"She's coming for my late night splurge and excursion, because why wouldn't spending a million dollars be a great way to pass time" I remark as the elevator dinged covering Arilynn's escaped laugh at my sarcastic whim.

"I'll be there in five, anything else for you".

"No that will be all, how did the transfer of the Atlas to New York go, I haven't heard about that yet, thought you may know".

"It arrived safely, I personally accompanied it, I wouldn't have had it any other way" Tatyana says as if it were the most obvious thing, though with her it was.

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