Oh this skill issue- (pinkleaf bonus chapter)

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Pinkleaf's pov: Ughhhh I don't wanna go beat this skill issues butt because she's an annoying little- woman! But I gotta go so I got out of bed and got ready to beat Lisa gaming again. She literally should name her channel skill issue gaming because she's so dumb and annoying and just plain old stupid and a pain in the butt. You can tell by now that I hate her and don't wanna meet her again but I gotta go to beat her. So I put on my white palace hoodie and sweatpants and my black vans and do my hair even though i'm just gonna mess it up anyways from the wind on the tower and since it's cold there. I also put on my glowing red halo which I'm famously known for now, and I headed over to tower of heck the game I've always loved and the game that I don't have any issues with playing- and winning at.
Once I got there the green haired lady that was Lisa wasn't late at all, she looked ready to lose. Also she had a very- punchable face but I didn't punch it since she would hate me for it.
"Hey Skill issue" I said
"Hey Pingleaf" Lisa said
"How the- heck do you know about that?" I asked
"Oh- well before this I watched the rb battles finale just to see if you lost" Lisa said, she started to twirl her hair in a sassy way.
"Well yeah I did lose but that's not your business" I said, beginning to cross my arms
"Oh looks like Pingleaf is getting angry at me the skill issue" Lisa said with a sassy hairflip.
"Well enough with the trash talk, let's get this game started" I said and got a head start onto the first stage and passed it with ease, Lisa was having difficulty with the first stage but got past it but when she got passed it I was already on the third stage, beating her. She was stumbling behind me with the stages until suddenly we were tied on a stage together, I pushed her when I was passing the stage and she fell.
She went, and died but respawned which I was mad that she didn't just stay in the revive room. While she was on the bottom I finished up and got to the final stage with ease and got a green halo for beating her.
Finally! I thought and when I got down I punched Lisa in the face "HAHA you little skill issue ya lost" I said.
"Ugh, you will never get away with this, just wait until your manager hears about this" Lisa said
"Karen much?" I added
"You know what? I'm sick of you, Pingleaf your also a skill issue since your a pro at the game and I'm just a stinking noob" Lisa said
"Your pretty good but your still a skill issue stinky Lisa" I said bursting out laughing.
"Well I'm gonna leave then, bye Pingleaf" Lisa said
"Bye stinky Lisa have a safe trip home- Oops your car is covered in bird Dudu haha" I said
"Very funny" Lisa said, and that was the last thing she said before sprinted out the door.
I went home and edited the video and posted it to my channel, I was exhausted so I went to sleep early, ready to film again tomorrow, that skill issue is at least taken care of for now, until I rematch her which I don't know when that will happen, it would be interesting if we rematched.
I loved writing this chapter!
It was funny also so here's a humor chapter for y'all!
So yeah hope you enjoyed!
I may work on the before season 3 party chapter soon enough so stay tuned for that! I just need ideas for it so yeah! Bye guys :)

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