More... eyes?

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Sabrina's pov: I felt eyes watching me and I wasn't sure if the others felt the same but I was really creeped out. I looked everywhere around the hub and there were no eyes at all, it may have just been a feeling that I keep on having. The group and I began playing more minigames and having fun but it was starting to get worse and worse but I could manage for at least a little bit.
?'s pov: I came into Mr Boringsworth's lab when he called me and I saw someone sitting in his chemistry chair "who are you?" I ask them "Russo- I thought you would recognize me from the bloxy's two years ago, you must have forgotten" Russo said "well, you just changed your hair ever so slightly, I am Jparty the host from the bloxy awards, now innovation awards after all, or past host  because I don't think I was there at the innovation awards which sucked" I said "yeah, uh I think Mr Boringsworth needs you now so he's over there" Russo said pointing out where Mr Boringsworth was. "Thanks Russo" I said and I walked towards where Russo pointed, it was an extra lab area mixed with a meeting area where there was a chair already for me, I sat down and looked at Mr Boringsworth. "What did you call me here for?" I asked "well I thought you could help me, you know how you wrote a note to the rb battles hosts in the friends we made music video?" Mr Boringsworth asks "yeah I remember, that was kinda long ago though" I replied, I kind of started shaking since he noticed the note on the floor, I was and still am jealous of Russo and all of his fame since he seems to put on the whole leader act for the crowd. "Well I want you to help me, I'm jealous of the hosts as well and I've been watching them with trained eyes" Mr Boringsworth said "so basically you've been putting on an act for them and the players?" I asked "yes I have" Mr Boringsworth said in a more mature tone of voice "wow, then if you can do that I'll be sure to help you, I'm mainly jealous of Russo but you've already really taken him in which I understand why but if you've seen the music video I broke my tv in my secret lab with a knife because of how happy he looked but you've taken care of all of that for me" I replied, an evil grin forming on my face "yeah, I've made him unhappy, he hates being here but I'm not letting him go, I'm only letting him go for the main championship but when the semis start I'm keeping him here so he goes missing so the players and the hosts suspect something's up" Mr Boringsworth said "good idea" I said and we each got up out of our chairs and started planning stuff in private without Russo for the final battle.
Sabrina's pov: I dragged Dj back to his house because I panicked, I stared up at Dj and he had- eyes like the eyes I've been seeing everywhere "Sabrina what the heck are you doing?" Dj said, he sounded corrupted, I swear this was all in my head. I felt Dj yank his hand away from my arm and after he did that I was dizzy, my eyes started to close, everything went black the last thing that I heard was "SABRINABRITE" from Dj.
Dj's pov: I ran over to Sabrina and checked if she was still breathing and she was but she wasn't conscious at all, I picked her up and walked her over to my bedroom and set her on the bed. I panicked, I didn't know what to do in this situation, I didn't know what she was trying to do when she grabbed my arm. "Sabrina, Sabrina" I said while shaking her awake but she didn't wake up at all yet. "Sabrina please" I pleaded, I started to cry and I was in pain from doing that because it hurt, my heart felt like it was physically breaking. "Sabrina, please wake up" I said  "..." Sabrina said, she didn't wake up yet, I checked her heart beat and it was really slow but technically still beating normally "at least your heart is still beating" I said, I then lit a candle to calm myself down, Sabrina then woke up at the smell of lavender "you really know me do you?" Sabrina said "Sabrina? Uh-uh yeah I know it's your favorite scent" I said, my face started heating up"y-your looking better" Sabrina said, I was confused "what do you mean?" I asked. "Well uh- the last thing that I remember is you looking corrupted, my head hurts remembering though but I remember you had a ton of eyes and you had a lot of gross things on you and I just got scared, I just feel like someone is controlling what I see" Sabrina explains, tears start to fall down her cheeks, I pulled a rose out of my pocket "woah" Sabrina said she looked really shocked but she was still crying, I put the rose by the bed and I hugged her tightly "it's ok Sabrina I'm back now, and I'm here to stay... always" Dj said but then a dagger tries hitting me in the back but Sabrina catches it, the dagger barely hits me but the sharp part hits Sabrina's hand "Sabrina?" I said and i immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed bandages and when I was heading back to my bedroom I was greeted by this mysterious figure, he had black hair and a red streak I stared at him and he stared back, he had a coat full of daggers and I grabbed one of them and stabbed him but he just faded away after I did that. Who even was he? He looked like the description of the evil Russo hallucination that Sabrina described which was weird but I threw the dagger down because Sabrina probably didn't wanna see me with a dagger in my hand, she would also probably blame me for the whole situation but I went back inside of my room and bandaged Sabrina's hand "thanks for catching it" I said "no problem, I didn't want you hurt" Sabrina said "you didn't need to catch it" I said "I know but I did it anyways because I care about you, and now you know that I really care" Sabrina said "yeah" I said and then I finished wrapping the bandages around her arm. "Thanks, I feel kinda better" Sabrina said and she tried getting up but her legs shook a lot, she then fell back down over the bed "be careful" I said "alright, I will, let's just watch Tv in bed because I wanna stay here right now" Sabrina said "I agree, I wanna stay here as well for a little bit" I said and they watched a romance movie and some of their old videos, Sabrina cried at the romantic parts of the movie but Dj comforted her during the sad scenes and teary scenes and they cringed at their old videos together and then after they finished watching old videos and Dj blew out the candle before they went to bed. In the morning they didn't know what to do and were thinking about meeting up with Kreek and Tanqr for planning.

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