The surgery

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The doctors that came in put Sabrina and Dj in separate rooms, they will be able to see each other when the surgery is finished. They were upset that they weren't able to be with each other during it but they understood that they had to be separated. Then the doctors put Sabrina and Dj to sleep and began the surgery, they drained all of the ink from their tear ducts since that was the main cause of the arm thing, the tears were dripping down their arms so that's why the doctors had to get rid of the ink tears, once the tears were normal again when they tested the tears they were done with that part of the surgery. Then they look at Sabrina and Dj's throats, Dj's just has white patches but Sabrina's has blood all over it and blood isn't supposed to be there, so the doctors clean up the blood from her throat some how and they uncover the white patches they were under the blood. They then inject some medicine into Sabrina and Dj and they put an IV in them, Dj was on a gurney so he could easily get wheeled back in to see Sabrina. But they had to do two last things in the surgery, they had to stitch Dj's chest up and they also had to cut open where the heart was and look at it but when they did their hearts were turning gray, but the doctor had the perfect medicine for that, for Dj the doctor injected this green medicine onto his heart and his heart turned it's normal color and the doctor then stitched Dj's skin back together, and for Sabrina this purple medicine got injected into her heart and the doctors then stitched her skin back together. The doctors then woke Dj and Sabrina up and wheeled Dj back into the room that Sabrina was in, they still had to wear the IV but they were together, Sabrina and Dj kissed each other and were happy to see each other again, and their emotions weren't even off at all so the medicine helped! "We should leave you two for your friends, they need to be checked on" a doctor said but before they left they put a purple bandage around Sabrina's head and then the doctor left to check on how their friends were doing. They checked on different people, Minitoon and Kreek, Kreeks pov: Why would Sabrina put a sword to my neck and also give me a black eye? He thought but then a doctor came in and gave him an eyepatch that looked exactly like Minitoons, it was on his black eye but it fit snug "Minitoon let you have his extra eyepatch" the doctor said "that's nice of him" Kreek said "also someone is here to visit you" the doctor said and the doctor moved out of the way and someone with blue hair and a mask came in the room. "Tanqr?!" Kreek said "surprised to see me?" Tanqr said "yes, why would you visit your rival of all people?" Kreek said "well we are friends right? Because I care about you- i would say we are friends if you also care about me" Tanqr said and then someone else came into the room, it was Kayla with Timmeh behind her "Kayla!" Kreek said and got up to hug her and he also hugged Tanqr but it kinda felt forced but Tanqr didn't seem to enjoy it on the outside but in reality he did enjoy it (hugs are kinda platonic in my opinion soooooo yeah this is a platonic hug) Kreek also is questioning why Timmeh is here as well but he understands that him and Kayla are kinda taking care of Timmeh for a while or until he gets parents which they are technically his parents and maybe his permanent ones. "Kweek what happened to you?" Timmeh asks "well, I got hurt from Sabrina, but it's now her fault it's Russo's because he sent them up there and infected them with the piggy infection" Kreek said "why would Russo do this, he seemed like he would not listen to stupid Boringsworth" Tanqr said "you know that he's working for Boringsworth?!" Kreek said, shocked "yes of course, I'm good friends with Megan so she told me what Russo said in the note" Tanqr said he began twirling his hair. "Oh so that's how you know" Kreek said "Kreek I know your shocked that Tanqr is here but he cares about you as much as I care about you so you should understand that he's here for you" Kayla explains "yeah I know, just shocked that my rival is here, well technically not anymore, really just in the minigames that is" Kreek said. The doctors then come in with bandages and they ask Kreek to lay down and the doctors remove what Minitoon used as a bandage and they replace it with actual bandages. Kreek is now much better and he can almost get discharged but the doctors have to do some tests so they ask the guests to go out into the waiting room or to go home and they go out into the waiting room, Kreek just lays there while the doctors observe and do tests on him to make sure he's ok.
Minitoons pov: the doctors came in quickly to see what happened to Minitoon and they saw a stab wound on his neck "ugh! Why the heck does this hurt so much" Minitoon said "because your neck is one of the most sensitive parts of your body" a doctor said and they wrap a bandage around his neck and he feels way better, Ik3a then comes into the hospital room "you ok dude?" Ik3a asks "yeah, Sabrina just put a sword to my neck" Minitoon said his voice hoarse "your voice sounds hoarse you need to rest your vocal cords" Ik3a said "yeah I will, can you just talk?" Minitoon said and Ik3a does what he said and he talks to Minitoon until visitation hours are over.
Peggy's pov: I'm fine, why do I have to stay here? Peggy said in her mind and then a doctor came into her room "you have to stay here until you breathe normally again, your heartrate isn't normal and so is the others heartbeats so you all have to stay here until that is normal again" the doctor said "dang, just let us know when we can go home" Peggy said "we sure will, you all are close to getting home though because you are getting better" the doctor said. "We didn't go through a lot though, Sabrina, Minitoon, Kreek and Dj mainly did" Peggy explains "true but space was a dangerous place for you all to be in because even if your suits helped you a lot they weren't really that stable, Russo must have given the good stuff to himself" the doctor explains "yeah, he didn't even think twice about our health and if we were gonna get out of that alive" Peggy said and then Rose came in and kept her company because she was also there but had a doctor push her on a gurney to Peggy's room. The doctors then checked on the others and talked about the same stuff with them and then they let everyone sleep but changing out their IV medicine when needed throughout the night. A few people had nightmares and woke up throughout the night, Sabrina and Dj kept each other company when they woke up from nightmares and Kreek was allowed to have Kayla and Tanqr stay with him so they both helped him with the nightmares and Minitoon was allowed to have Ik3a and Peggy was of course allowed to have her sister Rose in the room with her.

How the Rbb hosts were turned into pigs (s3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें