Studio timeeeee! 💙💜💚

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Russo's pov: I woke up the next morning and I didn't know where everyone was but I saw that Bella and Ariel were gone as well, I headed downstairs and saw Meg there holding a note and Ariel and Bella were there with her. "Oh! Russo, you have to see this note, Sabrina wrote it" Meg said "alright I'll read it, hopefully it's nothing- bad" I said "I can say that it's not anything bad" Meg said. And I began reading the note that Meg had handed me.
"Russo, Meg we have headed to the rb battles studio for a sleepover since we needed more space. But Russo since you were sleeping we left you at Dj's house and left his extra key for when you woke up. We also got a letter from Mr Boringsworth which we will explain more about it at the studio to you and Meg as soon as you come here, Ghostie is also here and she's working with us also Peggy and Rose are back! Surprisingly they are gonna help us, so Russo how are you doing? Since I probably won't get to talk to you for a while, I hope you and Meg are doing well even if we only left you for a night. With love Sabrina <3" Sabrina said in the note in her gorgeous handwriting and in her favorite purple pen. "She really likes this pen, huh" I said with a laugh "yeah, I recognize her favorite pen from anywhere as well" Meg said "in other news, should we get a quick breakfast and head down to the studio?" I said "yeah, but before we go down this will be dangerous for Bella and Ariel so should we ask Chizled to babysit again?" Meg asked "well yes but is Kayla busy at all?" I ask "well Kayla did text me and it turns out she didn't come to the meet yesterday since she didn't wanna be apart of the plan and Kreek just didn't know that she didn't want to be apart of the plan so she is free" Meg explains. "We should call her then" I said and Meg dials Kayla's number and she picks up immediately "oh hey Meg, what's up?" Kayla said "we were wondering  if you would babysit Bella and Ariel while we are gone" Meg said "of course they are really nice to have over, just bring them over whenever, they also get along with Timmeh and Timmeh has fun as well" Kayla said "alright, we will bring them over right away" Meg said "alright, see you then" Kayla said and then she hangs up. Bella, Ariel, Meg and I hopped in the car, we played some family friendly songs on our way to Kayla's house since there were kids in the car, we also decided to stop for breakfast on the way and just ate in the car, then when we got to Kayla's house Bella, Ariel and I went up to the door, I rang Kayla's doorbell and Kayla opened the door "hello Russo, Bella and Ariel!" Kayla said "hewo" Ariel said "hai Kayla" Bella said and Timmeh then came up to the door "fwiends!" Timmeh said and he went up to Bella and Ariel and hugged them "this is so wholesome" Kayla said "agreed" I said and Bella and Ariel went inside and Timmeh led them upstairs "let's pway some wegos" Timmeh said (and no those aren't spelling mistakes that's how he actually talks lol) "well enjoy the battle if it's even enjoyable to you" Kayla said "thanks Kayla, for everything" I said "no problem, I don't even mind having Bella and Ariel over, they are good girls" Kayla said with a subtle smile "glad that you don't mind, we gotta get going so see you Kayla, also text us if any issues arise" I said while starting to leave "alright I'll let you know" Kayla said and she headed inside as well. Meg and I then put on our romantic playlist which we couldn't play with kids in the car because they would make fun of it and there was sometimes cursing in the songs. When we were heading towards the rb battles studio we saw tons of cars, must be the duos cars. We went inside of the studio and saw people gradually getting up from their sleeping bags and cleaning them up. "Goodness that sleepover was fun" Sabrina said and she turned to notice me "h-huh your awake already?" Sabrina said "yup, I slept all night" I said "ok, good because we have some news, which is we got a note from Mr Boringsworth" Sabrina said "read it out loud to everyone" I said and that's exactly what she did.
"Dear Battlers and YouTubers I am here to inform you that I am almost done with my master plan. The final battle for you all will be ready in a week as of writing this, so whatever your planning you have a week to plan, unless you already planned stuff for me but I don't know. Also Russo I'm coming for you at the final battle, I'm mad at you for escaping and I'm glad you forgot most things about me since that's what I was wanting hahahaha, I know people say that I'm 'boring' but I'm not boring now am I? I can prove myself with this battle, you'll see because I'm the true villain, it's not Tanqr, it's not 1x1 in a hood and it's definitely not Sabrina or you, it's me, I'm the monster in your story right now so watch out!-Boringsworth the scientist" Sabrina read all of this out loud in a dramatic tone in a microphone so everyone could hear her. "He- seems to have sounded like he's gotten stronger" Tanqr said "yeah, I agree with Tanqr but we can still do this, I'm sure of it!" Kreek said "yeah, but h-he's coming for me" I said "don't worry, we will protect you" IBella said "yeah we will, don't be worried Russo" Meg said "t-thanks guys" I said and they all put me in a big group hug, I was reassured that everyone was here for me and cared, after the group hug was over I smiled after the longest time of not smiling. And they were glad for that since they didn't see me smile in a long time "glad to finally see your smile Russo" Meg said "I'm glad as well" I said. "Well, we have a week to prepare so we better get to preparing" Sabrina said "yeah, let's prepare our battle plan!" IBella said "I agree" I said and Dj grabs a whiteboard and we start writing our plans and coming up with the best strategies to come across everything in the final battle. We continued doing this for a week with sleeping bags in the studio and having breakfast, lunch and dinner together and training together as well but we also rested because we knew that we needed as much energy as we could for this fight. Sabrina, Dj and I charged our swords after training, Kreek and Tanqr and Y/N did the same and Y/N was actually holding Pinkleaf's hand a lot so I was pretty confused as to what was going on with them, I was thinking that they might be dating now but I pushed that aside because I was confused and didn't wanna ask because that's an awkward thing to ask, so they will tell us when they are ready to say. We still continued prepping for Mr Boringsworth's demise and for the robots and Jparty's demise so we were ready for it so we were sure to be victorious but you never really know what could happen until you do it so we never will know.

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