Part two of the final battle: Mr Boringsworth

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Russo's pov: we head into Mr Boringsworth's lab but we had to type in the code to enter. "Y/N do you know the code?" I ask "yeah I do" Y/N said and they type the code in with ease "wow, I'm shocked that you knew the code" Russo said "well I remembered it from a note I found earlier" Y/N said "your good at finding things as well, I'm guessing that you found that note in the temple that disappeared before it disappeared" Pinkleaf said, "babe your absolutely right" Y/N said, Pinkleaf blushed at the use of the word babe and I saw him blush, so they are dating. Then we all went on the elevator to the parkour, it was sorta hard to get past our own parkour but Pinkleaf and Y/N worked together to get passed it and they both got passed it with ease. Me and the other hosts had to try a few times to get it but Pinkleaf and Y/N waited for us. Once we got to the exit of the parkour we were in Mr Boringsworth's lab, I started getting lightheaded when I saw the test tube and robot parts but Sabrina and Dj tried helping me with it, the lightheadedness that was.
"You ok?" Sabrina asks
"Yeah, I just feel lightheaded" I said
"Can we help in anyway?" Sabrina asks
"Just let me focus, and stop talking for a quick second" I said and they obeyed. I focused on Mr Boringsworth's chair and it turns out that he wasn't here I saw him in another room and saw some- words on the wall "Don't trust Russo trust me" in my handwriting, what the heck? I swear I didn't write this, or did I? "Guys, do you know if I wrote this on the wall or not?" I asked.
"No, but how could someone write this on the wall in your handwritting?" Sabrina asks
"Well- the truth is I was in a room that said the same thing and I heard from Y/N that you were blaming me for that" Dj said.
"I- fine yes I was blaming you for it" Sabrina said
"You admitted it to me! See your blaming me for this stupid handwriting situation!" Dj snapped but Mr Boringsworth came in with Jparty and another shadowy figure by his side. "I wrote it, I can write in anyone's handwriting when I see it" the shadowy figure said
"Who are you copying my handwritting?" I said
"I'm hiding who I am for a reason, so I'm not saying unless you find a way to defeat Mr Boringsworth" the shadowy figure said
"Fine then we will find out a way to defeat Mr Boringsworth" I said and we got teleported to a battlefield by Jparty, he and the shadowy figure sat on the sidelines and watched us battle. It was a tough battle since he was using his battle tactics that he learned from Jparty and this- shadowy being, whoever it was they also learned from the best. I used my sword of truth on him multiple times even if it was the most useless sword ever, goodness why did I just say that to myself- after I did say that tears began streaming down my face and I could barely fight at all, Mr Boringsworth stabbed me with his ultimate bit. "U-ugh, Boringsworth please I-I thought that I was your favorite host!" I said, begging for him to stop.
"Not anymore Russo, the shadowy figure is my favorite now" Mr Boringsworth said with an evil smile.
I fell down and Sabrina didn't wanna risk her life so Y/N picked me up and tried to figure out how to save me, they ripped the sleeve off of their hoodie and wrapped it around my chest and I felt a lot better after they wrapped a bandage around it. I tried to get up "Russo- lay down it will make it better you need to rest" Y/N said
"But I wanna help them" I said
"I know but- you are in pain right now, they can defeat him" Y/N said
"But will you at least stay with me- as a friend" I said
"Yes, I will since I wanna help keep you company" Y/N said with a smile and I smiled as well.
Pinkleaf joined Sabrina and Dj in fighting and after a while of Mr Boringsworth dodging he was dead and Pinkleaf threw a harming potion on him to make sure that he was actually dead and he was. "Finally" Sabrina said
"Yeah, I was sick of his schemes and sick of what he did to us in high school" Dj said
"I agree, he threw us in detention for no apparent reason" Sabrina said
"Yeah, and that sucked" Dj said
"I agree" Sabrina said.
Y/N got up, Sabrina and Dj went over to see Russo on the ground with Y/N's hoodie sleeve wrapped around his chest.
Sabrina looked at her sword and saw that it wasn't blinking so she used her sword of healing on Russo's wound "t-thank you Sabrina" I said
"No problem, now you feel better" Sabrina said
"Yeah, now let's see who this hooded figure was" I said heading over to where the sidelines were. "Ok, you all won fair and square so you can reveal who I am" the shadowy figure said.
Dj did the honors of revealing who it was "BG?!" Sabrina yelled
"Yeah, I'm older now and I've gotten stronger" BG said, Dj and Sabrina were shocked but I was kinda confused, who was this and how did Sabrina and Dj know them?
"Who- is this?" I asked
"BG, she was from our adopt me roleplay's from three years ago but I guess she's still alive, hah" Dj said.
"Shockingly yes she is" Sabrina said, they both still looked shocked and Jparty was just chilling in his seat.
"So, I haven't seen you all for a while" BG said, changing the subject.
"Yeah, I'm shocked that your here, but we have to head back to the hub, you need to see Kreek again! He looks- different" Sabrina said
"Yeah that would be- awesome, can Jparty come as well?" BG asks
"Yeah, he can come as well" Sabrina said
"Great!" BG said.
Back in the hub!
"We are back!" Pinkleaf said
"Yup, and with a friendly face that one of you may know" Y/N said
"Who?" Tanqr said, wondering who this could be.
"Me" BG said
"BG?! What are you- doing here? I thought you died!" Kreek said
"How do you know her?" Tanqr asked
"Well, I once was in Terabrite's adopt me roleplay episode and I met BG once" Kreek said.
"Cool! Nice to meet you BG" Tanqr said
"Who are you?" BG asks
"Tanqr, Kreek's rival" Tanqr said
"Wow, Kreek has a rival now?" BG asks
"Yup he does haha" Tanqr said.
And BG introduces herself to everyone and they all start chatting and getting to know each other a little bit.

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