2| Back To The Isle

Start from the beginning

"So, while we do that why don't you guys go get your clothes from the Isle?" y/n said as she turned towards Jay and Carlos.

They both nodded before walking out and back to their dorm. After giving Ben a full makeover and turning him into a VK the girls got themselves ready.


"Jay! Keys, remote," Ben called out to Jay as they ran, throwing the said objects at him.

"Wait! Somethings wrong," Evie exclaimed causing the group to stop.

"Oh," Ben sighed as Evie pulled his beanie further down.

"There," Evie stated.

"Wow," y/n breathed out.

"Shotgun!" a new voice then exclaimed from the stairs.

The group turned to see who it was only to see Dude sittiing on the bottom step.

"No, Dude. Stay! The Isle is way too dangerous," Carlos ordered.

Y/n then looked from Dude to Carlos and then to all of her friends in shock.

"I'm sorry but what the fuck?" she asked.

"Did he just...?" Jay started.

"Talk? Yeah, I know. I'll tell you later," Carlos said before walking off.

"Let's go," Ben then stated.

"I'm sorry but how are we just moving on from this so easily?" y/n asked as she didn't move.

Carlos then made his way out of the car and towards her again. He grabbed her wrist before he dragged her into the car with him.

"I'll explain everything later," he laughed.

"Ok, once we cross bridge park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?" Evie said to Jay, who was driving, from the backseat.

Ben and Jay sat in the front while Evie, y/n and Carlos sat in the back. They then drove off towards the Isle in worried silence. Once they crossed the bridge Jay parked under the pier like Evie suggested.

"Ben, help me with the tarp," Carlos called as he grabbed an old looking tarp that was on top of a dumpster nearby.

The two of them then threw it over the car as the others helped hide the car underneath it.

"It's really weird being back here," Evie whispered nervously.

"It'll be ok. No one will know that we're here. We're just here for Mal," y/n reassured before sneezing, still feeling a bit fluey.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"We'll get in and then get out," Jay stated.

"Y/n," Carlos called for help as he threw the second tarp over the car.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben asked as he wandered off and looked into one of the tunnels leading out of the alleyway.

"Ben!" Carlos exclaimed as the four VKs ran over to him.

"You don't want to know," Jay said to him.

"You can't wander off here on the Isle. It's too dangerous and you aren't too popular around here," y/n said to him as Evie grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the tunnel and towards the group.

"Hey, guys. Keep it chill, alright? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here," Carlos said as he looked directly at y/n, who nodded in reply.

The five of them then walked off in search of Mal. Carlos waited for y/n to catch up to him before grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Stay with me? I don't want anything to happen to you," he whispered to her as he squeezed her hand.

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