A new adventure

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A/N: So, quick heads up! The next chapters will contain a lot of medical themes! There may be unpleasant things described, which could possibly also trigger. I am not a professional (although it is my dream field of work (^o^))! The things that are described, are researched, or knowledge from an internship of mine and may therefore be flawed! Pls don't judge me! :D


I was a little excited when I entered the hospital with Hinata.

My hand clung to the ID card that had been issued to us temporarily.

Today was the first day of the semester break. It was scary as hell how quickly the time had passed.

We now had five weeks of work ahead of us.

"Damn, why am I shaking so much?" Hinata asked next to me, and I smiled at her. Her excitement was completely justified.

We passed the entrance hall and entered the employee area using the chip card. Chishiya would meet us here with Obiki and hand out our personal pagers so that we could reach each other.

Together with Tomoki-san we had roughly agreed on how we would start. I would run along with Chishiya to get a first look while Obiki and Hinata waited in order to complete the tasks assigned to them after the rounds. I would then assess the patients mentally and have meetings in the afternoon.

It sounded easy, but it wasn't.

I was afraid of making a mistake that others would then have to correct.

"There they are!" my friend said next to me, and I looked up, only to lose myself in his chocolate brown eyes. For a brief moment I fell into a kind of trance.

Damn, he looked good with his hair up in a braid. Sure, he had been attractive before too, but this took it to the next level.

"Daiki-san, there are clothes ready for you. Hayashi-san, you can keep your everyday clothes on for now," Chishiya instructed us, while Hinata disappeared with her new "uniform". I simply nodded as I tried to smooth out the wrinkles in my white pants.

This morning I chose something formal: white pants, a light blue blouse, and sneakers that I could walk comfortably in. The day would be long, so comfortable footwear was important. I had braided my shoulder-length hair to prevent annoying tickling strands.

I quickly reached for my iPad, where I would store the most important data to support the treatment.

"Ready?" Chishiya asked and I nodded before following him through the empty hallways. We quickly reached the elevator, where he knowingly pressed one of the buttons.

"We have five patients to see this morning. Three of them are children, one is a teenager and the last is a young adult," he kindly informed me, and I nodded, taking note of this information.

Children were challenging in psychology because it was difficult to figure out what was going on in their minds.

The elevator came to a stop, and we entered an almost different world. In contrast to the employee corridors, it was bustling here.

Doctors, nursing staff and sometimes visitors were running everywhere. Chishiya led me through the hustle and bustle and finally knocked on a door, only to open it shortly afterwards.

I quickly realized it was a single room. A young girl was lying in the large bed, coloring in a coloring book, while a woman sat next to her and was knitting.

"Good morning," the doctor greeted the two people and I also bowed in greeting.

"Hello Chishiya-sensei! Thank you for visiting," the woman also bowed. Chishiya smiled slightly - it was a gesture I wouldn't have expected him to make.

"I brought my colleague with me today. I assume that you have been informed about the circumstances?" he asked, and she nodded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," the woman now spoke to me, "I'm Haruka-san. And this is my daughter Yura."

"Pleasant, I'm Hayashi-san," I introduced myself with a smile as the girl examined us curiously. Chishiya picked up his stethoscope and held it out to her.

"May I listen?" he asked her, and she nodded eagerly.

I had to pull myself together. He suddenly felt like a different person... gentle and caring. I really wouldn't have thought that was possible!

He checked her heartbeat and breathing; the little one endured it without hesitation.

I assumed she had experienced this procedure several times before.

"That sounds very good!" he said to her as he put the stethoscope back around his neck and then turned to his mother, "Did you notice any abnormalities?" The woman nodded.

"She has been refusing to eat for two days. It is very difficult to feed her. I still don't know what the problem is... It's been a few weeks since the operation..." she said and her face became sad, "I'm slowly reaching my wits' end."

Chishiya glanced at me, and I nodded slightly. "We'll check that today," he promised, "Yura-chan, can you show me your stomach?" I watched as he inspected a fairly large scar and made notes in a file.

"The wound looks good, that can't be the problem. Of course, we take your concerns seriously," the young man turned to me, "Hayashi-san will also support us in finding a solution."

We said goodbye and Chishiya wrote something down in his schedule. "Yura-chan has had a kidney transplant," he explained to me, and I wrote down the information as I walked. My brain was already searching for possible explanations.

The young doctor in front of me knocked on the nearest door. This time it was a shared room with six beds separated by curtains. A boy, about ten years old, sat alone in his bed by the window, staring out with wide eyes.

"Hello Haru-kun," my partner greeted the boy, who now looked at us.

"Hello Chishiya-san! Hello unknown woman!", he somehow reminded me of a little puppy.

"Haru-kun, this is Hayashi-san. She's accompanying me today," Chishiya briefly pointed in my direction, the boy looked at me with wide eyes, then he smiled.

"Hello Hayashi-san!" he finally greeted me properly and I raised my hand while a smile crept onto my lips.

"Well, how are you?" Chishiya leaned down to him. He smiled cheerfully.

"I'm fine!" Haru replied. Chishiya nodded happily.

"When is your father coming?" he wanted to know, and the little boy grinned.

"In a few minutes," he replied without hesitation. The doctor nodded.

"Perfect! I'll send someone to you later. You can go home today, Haru-kun," the boy put his fists in the air and grinned happily.

"Thank you, Chishiya-san! You were right, my little fighters in my body made everything right again!" he mumbled to himself while Chishiya signed a document and put it in the holder on the bed.

Then we waved before leaving the room again. That had been uncomplicated.

Nevertheless, I knew that it would still be very strenuous.

Life in the hospital was not without its consequences - one should not underestimate the work.

Tonight, I would almost certainly fall into bed dead tired.

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