You play with my heart...

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Why was I so nervous?

I wasn't the one who was in the suite now! Arisu had gone into the lion's den, not me! Damn... And why was Chishiya so quiet?

I wanted to know what was going on inside him. He trusted another person, which was not his style at all. There was something fishy about the whole thing. And that thought solidified as he gave the code. It sounded too easy. Had Hatter really hidden the cards in a regular room safe? Why had the code been so obviously displayed with his ring?

"Come with me," Chishiya snapped me out of my thoughts with his cold words. He was already a few meters in front of me but had turned back to me.

What was he planning to do? Did he want to deceive Arisu? Something about his look really bothered me.

"Why?" I wanted to know, "What are you planning to do?" He started grinning and I felt a little sick.

"Your instinct really isn't that bad... You make me curious about how far I can go without you noticing," he paused for a moment before leaning towards me, "Just so you know it, Ayuna: Don't trust anyone. That is the first lesson that every person here should understand. I would have thought Arisu would have been smarter..."

"What are you planning to do?" I pressed again and he just waved my words away.

"You'll find out soon," he left me standing, "Oh yeah... If you try to get in my way, I won't be afraid to do it anyway. No matter if it harms you, or not."

Damn, those words hurt.

It felt like he was stabbing me in the heart with a knife. I kept forgetting that he was the kind of person who disguised his real ability and actions, leaving you surprised every time. He was emotionless, heartless...

To get his way, he went beyond all boundaries.

I knew I was making a mistake in my decision, that it wasn't right. But... I kept my mouth shut.

Instead, I just watched as Chishiya warned the military about how Arisu just betrayed them.

I watched as they hastily set off to catch the alleged thief.

I watched as Chishiya smiled.

It was treason. I just handed them over to the claws that Chishiya had drawn. But... I knew within myself that there was no other way. I finally wanted to leave here; he had given me the opportunity. I didn't want to waste this. Half a month ago I would have taken the initiative and tried to save them, but now?

I had no other hope, so I kind of didn't care if anyone else got hurt. Chishiya had been right, you couldn't trust anyone here. Anyone could take advantage of your naive behavior and simply sacrifice you.

And so it happened that I found out through rumors that Arisu had been locked away, that Niragi was raping Usagi... I was sorry at first, but that feeling quickly disappeared. Kuina seemed to feel differently.

She stood next to me as we stood guard outside the suite. It had been a good three hours since Chishiya had successfully implemented the first part of his plan. In the second part I was integrated again, which surprised me a little. Apparently, he had tested me in the gallery.

Was he trying to finally find out if I was loyal and therefore worthy enough to leave Beach with them?

I heard Kuina talking to him on the radio. I wasn't aware of what exactly they had said because I had been so preoccupied. Instead, I focused on the person who had just approached. If I'm not mistaken, his name was Last Boss. Quite an impressive name.

Kuina immediately took a more casual stance next to me and briefly lowered her gaze as he passed us. But unfortunately for us, he stopped and looked at us. Kuina winked at him, but he didn't change his expression. Finally, he started moving again and I breathed a sigh of relief.

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