The end of the end

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The hail of bullets started far too quickly.

We hadn't covered much ground when the King of Spades appeared from behind. He was once again on our trail, intent on killing us all.

The sudden hail was the reason why I was separated from the two women again.

While they turned in another direction, I made it towards Shibuya intersection. The King of Spades had miraculously not followed me.

The sight of the once-crowded intersection left me gaping for a moment. If I hadn't known Tokyo so well, I wouldn't have been able to believe it.

It was crazy!

Everything was green, there were grasses, mosses and even trees growing!

But my attention quickly turned to something else. It was a scene that threatened to unfold before me.

A trio...




Why was Niragi here? I thought he died at the Beach? And... Why did Chishiya keep holding his side? Why did they have pistols in their hands?

I tried to get a little closer to the scene. I quietly circled around cars and hid behind them, just to hear what they were saying.

It was a challenge between friends, as Niragi called it. A shooting game of life or death. He practically forced them to play it.

When the first shots rang out, I jumped. I quickly tried to get an overview. Shuntaro had taken cover behind a car and was moaning in pain.

I could hear it.

My suspicion that he was wounded was confirmed.

"Niragi! Cut the shit!" Arisu just shouted, "Let's stop!"

But the young man was not deterred. It was despairing. Arisu talked to him but came under fire again and again.

"What's going on here?" a female voice was carried by the wind. I widened my eyes.

No... Usagi!

I- She was in the line of fire! I had to help her, I-

"Ah... That's right, you still exist!" Niragi suddenly got a threatening, deep voice.

Then a shot echoed across the clearing.

Usagi stumbled and fell. She couldn't get up in time.

And then...

Another shot.

Then another one, Niragi went down the next moment. Arisu had fired.

I screamed as I saw what was happening before my eyes.

Chishiya, what have you done?!

"Shuntaro!" I quickly came out from behind the car while Usagi was already with him. She pressed her hand to his chest...

NO! NO! NO! Please don't... Fate, what's the point?! Why?! WHY?! If I wasn't allowed to be happy, did you have to take that away from me too?!

It felt like I had to run several kilometers to catch up to them. I heard him talking quietly to the two of them.

He had done it because he had changed.

Envy, jealousy, self-esteem... He had been envious. He had failed to change himself. But here in the Borderland? A lot of things had become clear to him here. He had found people who had proven him wrong, who had shown him that there really was a meaning in life. He had-

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