A colorful, perfect world

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10 minutes remain!

We had reached the last bottle.

"Yes! Just a little bit left!" the woman laughed dazedly and was about to reach for the neck of the bottle when her face turned slightly green. The next moment she bent over and vomited.

Then everything happened very quickly. The man next to her also had to vomit, and less than a second later two lasers shot through the ceiling. The two people hit their heads on the table and remained motionless. Bile rose in my mouth too, but I swallowed it back down.

If I followed this example now, I would feel the same way, right? Then I would have vomitted some of the alcohol and automatically broken the rules.

But now it also meant that we each had to consume a fifth of the liquid. The last stranger began and then passed the bottle to me. I choked it down and then passed it to Kuina, who followed suit.

There are 5 minutes left!

Yuki took long sips and then it was Niragi's turn. He licked his lips and then coolly took the rest.

Congratulations! You won the game!

All survivors will be issued a two-day visa!

I leaned forward and rested my head on the tabletop. Kuina seemed to be doing better than me and Sakusa was also doing well. Niragi, on the other hand, looked as if nothing had happened. Only his red cheeks indicated that he had been drinking. He just grinned stupidly the whole time and I wondered how much he drank in his free time.

"Hey, Ayuna! How's your love life going? Would you like to jump into my bed later?" he suddenly asked and I jerked upright. I immediately had a piercing headache.

"No," I replied after placing my cool hand on my throbbing forehead, "I already *hic* have a partner." Huh, where did that suddenly come from? My brain was somehow no longer able to express itself properly.

Niragi looked at me perplexed, but then laughed loudly: "That was unexpected." Then he leaned back and relaxed and I looked at Sakusa. She had lowered her gaze. There was a fire raging inside her, you could see that. He was hurting her... and he didn't realize it. He just kept talking - and with every strange name he said, he rekindled the fire.

It was a cycle.

Kuina, Yuki and I remained silent while Niragi invited the fifth person to the Beach. And so it happened that we set off together. The lights had long gone out, but I still felt the strange warmth bubbling inside me. No matter where I turned my gaze, everything was colorful. For a moment I forgot everything. I just saw the play of colors in front of me and enjoyed the impressions.

It's crazy what alcohol can do...

"We're not taking the car," Sakusa said as Niragi was about to get behind the wheel and he grumbled but then ended up following us as we moved forward.

I looked up at the sky. The lasers could once again be seen in the distance. They shot out of the sky, they seemed so harmless, but I knew they weren't. What did Chishiya do? I was sure he was in a game. He could definitely do it.


The walk, like the car ride, didn't take long and the bright building came into view again. The closer we got to the temporary home, the more piercing my headache became.

Kuina and I entered the lobby together and she suddenly leaned on me, which threw me off balance. Staggering more than walking, we crossed the entrance hall and attracted various looks.

"Elevator," Kuina panted next to me and we managed to find the right direction together. The doors opened and we staggered into the cabin before it took us to the correct floor. Kuina had to get out before me and I waved to her before she disappeared around the corner. Then I was alone. The elevator hummed quietly and a certain calm spread over me. I was suddenly so tired...

"You don't want to sleep here, do you?" the familiar voice penetrated my consciousness and I opened my eyes. Did I doze off? I hadn't even noticed...

"Nosh...", I swallowed because there was suddenly a sour smell in my throat and Chishiya laughed softly. "Don't be shy, Schischiya !", how embarrassing my voice sounded! I couldn't even think straight!

"Mmh, let me guess. You had to drink alcohol to win," he said and I just looked at him. Then I nodded. He grumbled knowingly and turned around so he could exit the elevator. He had blocked it, I was wondering why we hadn't moved from the spot.

And then I did something I didn't know how to do again. I quickly picked myself up and followed him. He seemed to notice immediately, but he said nothing.

He allowed it.

And that's how I ended up in his room.

When the door was closed, we fell on each other. Hands wandered, a familiar goosebump appeared on my skin...

There it was again, the familiar feeling.

I wanted to feel him touching me... How he found places where I was particularly sensitive...

I let out a breath as his lips found my neck, which seemed to amuse him. He began to gently nibble on the skin, putting me in a sort of trance.

How did he manage to keep awakening new feelings in me?

At some point we let go of the wall and he pushed me towards the bed. I didn't ask any questions, I just did it.

He was ready, I could tell. I was too.

Why were we like this? I could still understand my actions.

Alcohol, hidden feelings... But him? He had no motive, but he got involved with me anyway.

Our energy was harmonious and could be addictive. It was as if we were made for each other or were made for each other.

I felt his hand pushing a strand of hair out of my face. His eyes looked deep into mine. He asked for permission.

Damn! My heart... my heart, why did he have to have such beautiful eyes?

I nodded slightly, then the roller coaster started again. His hand moved further and further down from my shoulder, the goosebumps returned. I closed my eyes for a moment as a soft sigh slipped past my lips. He smiled, but his hand remained on my body.

The first piece of clothing fell to the floor and more followed. Skin pressed against skin, his body heat jumped to me again.

It should never stop...

My abdomen tingled in anticipation as I felt him slowly enter me.

The rhythm kicked in, we explored each other again. Fireworks threatened to explode inside me.

But... He didn't allow it. Without warning he stopped moving, I almost looked at him with googly eyes.

A grin made its way back to his face and I looked at him. "What do you want from me, Ayuna?" he asked and I could have slapped him. Why did he always have to ask that question?

He had ruined the moment... Why...why did he keep putting me in situations where I wanted to sink into the ground again and again?

What did I want from him? So much... his affection, his warmth, his acceptance, his love... But I couldn't tell him that. I was afraid of the reaction and swallowed the words back down. For now, this relationship was enough for me.

Buddies with Benefits...

"Chishiya..." I mumbled and the alcohol was suddenly gone, "Please... don't leave me hanging now!"

Luckily for me, he at least fulfilled my one wish.

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