A pig's heart can also bleed

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It was damn dirty.

The air vents had probably never been properly cleaned - and if you just imagined that all this dirt could also be found in the air...

Disgusting! Just disgusting!

But I had to get through it, from here I had the best chance - and I could get anywhere. If I'm not mistaken, all the rooms were somehow connected.

My side hurt, but I didn't want to give up. The Jack of Spades had to suffer... really. He was a pig, a scum...

Somehow, he really reminded me of Niragi. The two would have gotten along well.

There are 15 minutes left!

The blue team's number 2 and 8 were sent to prison!

So fast again? What nasty tricks were they using now? Damn, maybe we didn't stand a chance after all.

I kept forgetting that we were at the next level. The games were harder, more demanding and above all... unfair - and yet I wanted to know what was really behind that facade. I wanted to finally absorb all the information, no matter what it would cost.

The blue team's number 9 was sent to prison!

Again... I had to find out what was happening in the background. Our team couldn't be that stupid, right?

The blue team's number 6 and 7 were sent to prison!

There are 10 minutes left!

Five team members?


Oh damn! It was a race against time!

My palms became a little clammy, the stress making itself felt.

The blue team's number 1 and 5 were sent to prison!

How the hell did they do that? It wasn't normal that you could find so many people in such a short time - the building was simply too big for that!

What did I do now?

If we didn't make a king free now, we were all lost - but it was a huge risk!

I assumed that they were now guarding the base even more closely so that any movement would be noticed immediately. So, you couldn't attack them from the side.

How would it be possible?

Think about it, Ayuna, think about it! What would you have done in this situation?

There are 5 minutes left!

If you couldn't attack from the sides, then from... above!

I was in the air shaft!

If I saw correctly, there was a ventilation grille right above the table. Now I just had to get there... But I was too loud when crawling, it would be noticed immediately. So, something louder had to disturb the peace.

And I already had an idea. I was able to spot Heiya through a ventilation grille.

"Hey! Heiya!" I called to her quietly and she turned her head in my direction in confusion, but she couldn't see me. "Up here! In the shaft!" I whispered and she was finally able to spot me.

"What are you doing?" she asked me, and I didn't give her an answer at first - I could tell my story about how I came up with this stupidly good idea later.

"We need noise. And we need it quickly," I told her, and she slumped her shoulders in displeasure.

"For what? We lost!" she murmured, and a pang ran through my chest. She had given up hope.

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now