Goddamn house

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"Oh, I don't have to make it out unharmed." He says, then smiles. "But I want him," he aims the gun at Hyunjin, "and you— dead." He says, aiming the gun at Seungmin as well.

"And I want you to leave with me." He says, looking straight Felix. "Hey, you can even come with me right now— and I won't harm any of them."

"Felix, we can go live a life together." He says sweetly. "I have enough money and time to make you feel so loved, and I'm willing to give you the world of you leave with me right now. We can be come before the cops even get here, and we can be free


Felix shivers at his words. Hyunjin starts to shake his head. "You are not talking him from me, not when I'm fighting to hard to get him back. He will never be yours, Chan. Give up."

"You shut up!" Chan screams. "They are all suffering, because of you! This is all your fault! You and your stupid little brother are the reason Jisung is dead, and your about to be too."

He aims the gun straight at Hyunjin's head, and gets ready to pull the trigger. Hyunjin doesn't even have a second to react, before there is already screaming in the room.

"Stop, no!" Felix screams out, and everybody looks at him in shock. "Don't kill him.. don't kill any of them! I'll go with you, I promise I will go with you. We can leave right now, please just don't hurt anybody else." He says, crying.

"Oh Felix." Chan says. "It's pathetic how much you care about these people. However, if that is what it takes to make you mine," He drops both the guns. "Then so be it."

Felix watches the guns fall to the floor, and how Chan reached his hand out for him. He looks at chan. "You promise.." he starts. "You promise you won't hurt any of them if I take your hand?" He asks, still not believing the older.

"You don't trust me?" Chan asks sweetly.

Felix doesn't, but his body begins to move to Chan anyway. He limps over, and with each passing step, he can't feel the heartbreak setting in more. He has to do this for them, however, because it's the least he can do. He already ruined their lives and almost killed them, so now it's his turn to save them.

He takes Chan's cold hands, and gets yanked over closer. Chan holds Felix by his waist, keeping him close as he started at Hyunjin. He takes a step forward, however, leaving Felix behind him.

He looks straight at Hyunjin. "Game over." He says. "I won."

"You will never win." Felix says from behind, and stabs Chan in the neck with his pocket knife. He holds his stomach and watches as Chan falls to the floor, gasping for air.

Everybody flinches, not expecting that to happen day all. Hyunjin looks to Felix, with an expression of happiness. He knows it's not the right time, as Chan is dying, but he want to kiss the younger so badly.

Chan looks up Felix with angry eyes, and tries to speak. "You... bitch." His words come out as whispers, as his throat bleeds like crazy. He falls flat on the floor, dying a slow and painful death.

"Oh my god." Minho says. "Felix, you did it." He looks over to the younger, a huge smile on his face.

Sirens sound from outside,
and that's when it fully hits everybody that it's over.

They won.

They solved the case.

It's going to take a lot of explaining, and a lot of proof for the security cameras— but they know they can win. They already have, anyway. Now it's just time to live their lives knowing they won.

Police come breaking into the house, loads and loads of officers checking the whole building. They reach the group, and immediately call for backup. They take the rest of the group to a different room, and they all go do different things.

Minho and Seungmin head straight to the other officers, beginning to explain single detail of why things ended up this way. Hyunjin and Felix get taken away to the medics, and that's when things get worse.

"I need.." Felix pants, grabbing onto the medics arm. She and Hyunjin both look at Felix confused, so he lifts up his shirt revealing his stomach— where tue second shot that rang through the home hit him.

"Oh my god." She exclaims, grabbing onto her walkie-talkie. "We need the ambulance ready outside, we need to get the officer out right now. He has been shot, and it's bad." She says into it, and begins to hold onto Felix.

"Felix, you're bleeding out!" Hyunjin says panicked, "Why didn't you say anything?! We need to go to a hospital right now." He yells to the women, and they both begin to support him as they walk.

"I don't care where we go," Felix says tiredly. "Just get me out of this goddamn house."

The man next door || HyunlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang