Chapter Eighteen

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     "Déjà vu all over again," Daisuke muttered to himself as he leaned against the wall.

     He was back at the airport once more, waiting to pick up another visitor to bring back home. The man ended up waiting at the exact same spot from when he previously picked up Akali just a month before. Unfortunately, the airport was a little more crowded than before, which would make spotting the person he was waiting for a bit tougher. He could only hope their height would make it easier to stand out in the large crowds.

     Only a short few minutes had passed by when the flight he was waiting for finally landed. After another minute of waiting, the passengers of said flight began walking through the gate and into the building. Daisuke immediately spotted who he was looking for, internally patting himself on the back as he was right about their height making them easy to notice. He met them halfway as the crowd began to disperse.

     "Hey, welcome back to Japan, Bokkie," Daisuke greeted with a hug.

     "Good to be back!" Kai'Sa replied while hugging back. "Did I keep you?"

     "Nah, just got here. Let's get your stuff and head out," he said as the two began to walk towards the terminal.

     After nearly fifteen minutes of walking through hordes of people and getting through luggage lines, they made it out of the airport and into the parking area. Daisuke popped the trunk of his car open as they approached and helped Kai'Sa lay her bags down inside. The two finally got into the front seats and buckled up as the singer started the car.

     "Has Akali caught on to anything?" she asked while getting settled into her seat.

     "Nope," Daisuke replied as he began to back out of the parking spot. "She might just be waking up right now though. But I left a note for her. Told her I was running a quick errand. She'll be more than happy to see you."

     "Well, I'm happy to be here!" Kai'Sa said in an energetic tone.

     "So, how've your travels been since you left Korea?"

     "I've been having fun," she answered, recalling the last some weeks. "So, I started with Argentina and checked out some of the dance studios I found. From there, I flew to Nassau, then Cairo, and finally, Greece. All to discover and learn new forms of dance. I'm hoping I can bring more to K/DA when we all come back from our break."

     "Hell of a lot of travelling for less than two months," Daisuke spoke as he finally made his way out of the parking lot and onto the road.

     "I hear you've kept busy as well," the dancer replies. "Akali told me that you're making music again, but as a solo artist."

     "Just finished it, actually. Recorded vocals yesterday, and now Yasuo's going through the final mixing process. You'll be hearing it soon."

     "How long did it take?"

     "We were only two days in when we stopped and left to see Akali's family," he answered. "So, just a little over two weeks."

     "Sounds like you and Yasuo put everything you had into it. I can't wait to hear it," she happily replied as she looked out the window.

     "Travels aside, how have you been personally?" Daisuke asked while stopping at a light.

     "I've been... okay," the dancer hesitantly answered. "Just trying to figure some things out."


     Kai'Sa went silent as she stared at her lap, obviously nervous about continuing the topic. She needed to talk to someone eventually, and there was nobody better to help than the man next to her. She trusted him, but their was this voice in her head that constantly told her to bottle it all up and go on as if there wasn't some sort of internal struggle. Deciding that she needs answers now more than ever, she settles on going ahead with the conversation.

     "Daisuke, how did you discover that you were pansexual?" she asked as she finally lifted her head and faced him.

     A small smile formed on his face as he glanced at Kai'Sa for a second, then took a breath and put his focus back onto the road.

     "I had someone that I liked back when I was fifteen," Daisuke started. "It was weird to me at the time because I hadn't liked a guy before, but it didn't feel weird in a bad way. It was just... sort of the same feeling as whenever I liked a girl."

     "You... didn't have this feeling of..." the dancer trailed off as she tried to think of the word to describe her own feelings.

     "The feeling that it was wrong? That I was making a mistake by being attracted to someone of the same sex?" Daisuke finished for her, to which she slowly nodded. "I did for a minute. But I realized at some point that if I was ever going to feel happy, then I needed to accept myself and what I felt. If I couldn't do that, then I would never be able to just comfortably be myself."

     Kai'Sa slowly looked back down and held her hand to her chest. Could she accept herself and her feelings? It was one thing to admit that she never found herself to be attracted to men before, but to another woman? How would she know if it would even work out? What if it was just a phase, and she was freaking out over nothing?


     The purple haired woman snapped out of her thoughts when she realized her name was being spoken. She turned to look at the man in the driver seat, whose smile hadn't left his face since the topic had come up.

     "Take all of the time you need to sort your feelings. I know it's hard to comprehend everything, but you'll come to terms with it all eventually. And remember that we'll all support you no matter what... She will support you."

     Kai'Sa silently processed everything he told her as she unlocked her phone and stared at her home screen. The background was a picture of her and Ahri posing with cups of boba tea in their hands. Just thinking about the vastaya brought a feeling of comfort that she very much needed, though it also brought a visible blush and a smile to her face.

     "Do... do you think that I'd have a chance?" she quietly asked.

     "Why wouldn't you?" Daisuke replied. "You're an incredible woman, and I know she sees that too."

     She giggled at his words and turned towards him with a smile.

     "I can see why Akali fell for you," she complimented. "Thank you, Daisuke. Kind of wish we had met sooner. Maybe I would've had my feelings sorted long ago."

     "Just don't ever forget about me if you wanna talk more about it in the future," he reassured her. "And I'll happily be there when you decide to come out to everyone."

     "Best support I could ever ask for. Thank you," Kai'Sa replied. "Hey, do you think we were siblings in a past life?"

     "Hmmm... maybe."

     "I feel like you'd be a great brother to have."

     Daisuke's eyes widened for a second as he took in her words. He made sure not to react too obviously, though a small smile grew across his face.

     "And you'd be a great sister."

     For those who haven't been keeping up with my posts on my profile, I'm sick for the moment. Shit's hitting hard, and I'm tired out way more often. Forgive me for the shortness of this chapter. Writing is what takes some of the stress away, even if I don't have as much energy for the time being.

     Before I go, I wanna communicate with everyone more. As some of you may have noticed, there was a comment two chapters ago, and said chapter left someone unhappy, though they never gave a reason. Now, I have no clue what it is I did wrong, but that's whatever at this point. My concern is that I don't really have an understanding as to the feelings of those of you who have kept up with this story so far.

     Please, don't hesitate to leave comments or send messages, whatever you want, and tell me how the story is doing from your perspectives. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. With that, I'm gonna go take some nyquil and let it (hopefully) work its magic. Goodnight, everyone.

The Rogue (K/DA Akali x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now