K gunna-DD

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Tell me why some old bitch coming after me because I'm with DD, she gotta be hella delusional because she pushing 30 but think she fucking with my 16 year old boyfriend.

"Hi live!" I say setting my phone up on my desk. "What going on wit y'all?" I say starting to read the comments. Mad comments about K gunna started coming in, apparently she was saying I was a smoochie who 'stole her man.' goofy🙄

"Who is this K gunna bitch?" I ask seeing a bunch of people @ her in the comments. "Yo DD!" I yell hearing him walk out the bathroom and into the room.

"What's good ma?" He says as he walks in.

"Can I use your phone real quick?" I ask as he passes it over. I go onto insta and find her acc. "This old ass lady!" I say laughing. "This bitch pushing nursing home and trynna claim you, DD. Damn I guess he really do got hoes." I say laughing.

"K Gunna if you watching this shit, hop off my wife dick. I don't want your old ass." He say into the camera. "Like hop off dead ass." He says before laying in my bed.

She end up hopping on my live and saying shit in my comments.

"Don't be jealous he want me." I read from the comments. "No one want your wrinkly ass pussy, the fuck you talkin bout." I say laughing at her comments.

"Someone's mad." DD says laughing in the background. "no one want your old ass, I got a wife right here." He says standing up, giving me kisses all over my face.

"Yeah bitch you thought, aha." I say sticking out my tongue before laughing, giving him a kiss on his lips.

"Yo she trynna get neeky." DD says talking to the live, laughing after.

"And if I was?" I say half joking, turning my head to him.

"We bout to hop off y'all, love all y'all." He says ending the live.

Kinda bad but sum to post

 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now