chapter twenty five

Start from the beginning

"By setting us up to go on dates with other people?" Naia asked.

"Clearly it worked!" Katara said cheerily. "You're welcome, by the way," She said sassily. Naia looked towards Katara who nodded at her. She was just glad to finally have that secret lifted off of her chest.

"Guys look!" Aang suddenly said. They all turned their heads towards the sky and saw a beautiful meteor shower. Naia quickly extinguished the fire to get a better view of it. The group quickly moved to a clearing and laid down against a rock.

"This is beautiful," Katara said.

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are," Sokka mused.

Naia turned her head to stare at Sokka's side profile. "Since when did you become so wise," Naia teased. Sokka playfully rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Naia's small shoulders.

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times," Toph joked.

One of the metors seemed bigger than the rest. As it approached, it left a tail of blue-green light behind it. The team stood up. "You've never not seen anything like this," Sokka said.

"It's getting a little too close," Naia's eyes widened.

The meteor passed over their heads and collided with the earth about a quarter of a mile away. Suddenly, the ground was engulfed in flames. The team quickly jumped on Appa and flew towards the fire.

"It's going to destroy the town!" Katara exclaimed.

Appa landed, with Aang, Toph, and Sokka jumping off. "We'll get water from the nearby stream," Naia said quickly before Appa lifted again. She stretched out her arms and accumulated the largest amount of water she possibly could before Appa flew back towards the fire. Katara used her bending to take small parts of that water and spray it on the fire as Appa flew over it. Toph attempted to suffocate the fire by using a large rock and moving it back and forth. Aang finally used his air bending and water bending to fully extinguish the fire by making a small snow storm.

"Good work, Aang," Naia complimented.

The next morning, the gang headed into the nearby town to buy some breakfast. On their walk in, Naia noticed that Sokka was more quiet than usual. She decided against prying and simply assumed it was because he wasn't a morning person and the sun rose only about an hour ago.

Aang sits down at a table with a plate full of food. "These people have no idea how close they were to being toasted last night."

"The worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero worship anymore," Toph said. "I miss the love."

"Boo-hoo," Sokka grumbled, his back facing the rest of the group. "Poor heroes."

"What's your problem?" Katara asked.

"Nothing!" Sokka snapped at her. Katara rolled her eyes.

Naia stood up from the table and walked over to Sokka. She placed a hand on his arm and sat down next to him. Naia could tell that he softened underneath of her touch. "Why so glum?" She asked. "You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug."

"It's just, all of you guys can do this awesome bending stuff," Sokka explained. "You guys fly around and make things move...but I can't fly around like that. I can't do anything."

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