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techno snapped awake, bolting up and to his feet, but george just sat in the corner, on a chair that looked to be homemade from sticks and woven fabrics from the tree above.

"why are you here" george dropped his head into his hands, revealing that both of his hands were bandaged the same way.

"because I care about you" techno tried to walk closer to george but the brunette stood up, making techno freeze.

"I dont know how long iv been here, but its starting to get warmer and that means its been at least a month" george quickly walked away from techno and grabbed a random cloth to clean the blood off of his freshly wounded window.

"george-" techno started his sentence, he cut himself off before he had the chance to say anything to george.

to tell him that is been three months, to tell him the club was going down hill, to tell him clay was comatose and about to be killed.

"what" george spun around and tossed the rag onto his bed, not caring about it one bit.

"its been three months" technos words were quiet and almost monotone, there was no easy way to tell him that he has been away from civilization for literal months.

georges face shifted uncomfortably but then it returned back to normal as he accepted the fact.

"okay?" george said like it didn't matter, like it was a useless fact.

"george you need to come home" techno tried walking closer to george but george just took a step back, not wanting anything to do with the pink haired man right now.

"and why is that? im sure big bad mafia boss has got it covered" george scoffed and started walking out the front door

"you dont know?" techno leaped out of the cabin and started following the brunette as he tried to walk away

"know what?" george froze and turned around to face techno, he did not like being out of the loop.

techno didn't respond, he just stood there with his face blank yet eyes flooded with worry

"know what techno?" georges voice urged with concern, like something had gone wrong, like he had done something wrong.

"the day you left" techno started talking but the wind started to speed up, almost knocking him off his feet.

george stood still and stared at the pink haired man, needing to know what he didn't know.

"you put clay in a coma" technos words came out a shout because the wind was blowing so hard against them and it was so loud.

"how the hell did I do that?!" george shouted back, standing on the beach with his best friend as sand mucked into their eyes and the water started to swirl uncontrollably.

"you cut his neck, but he didn't pass out from blood loss, we dont know why hes comatose!" techno had to practically scream as he had his hand covering the top of his head, protecting his eyes from the shards of practical glass flying through the air.

"shit!" george screamed and started jogging towards his cabin, techno following and shouting incoherent words that george couldn't make out.

as they got into the cabin, they were protected from the wind but they seemed to be getting blown over, like there was a storm approaching that they didn't know about.

"george why is he in a coma?!" techno yelled as george flipped over his twin sized bed and pulled out a chest looking box.

george didn't respond, he just broke the lock off the box and flung the lid open, revealing the sword that cut clay among dozens of other blades and weapons.

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