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there was something happening in clays head, laura and niki knew it, because they would sit in the room and guard him, just watching as his eyes seemed to shoot from side to side, but there was nothing they could do to help them.

clay was helpless, trapped in his own mind of madness. he didn't know what he could do to wake up, to get up. the worst part was, he could hear everything happening on the outside.

he heard nick get coronated as the new leader, he heard techno praying on his side that he would wake up, he heard his sister that he hadn't seen in over a decade come over and break down at his side, after all she had gotten out to avoid this. and seeing her brother like this broke her.

he heard nick beg him to wake up, he heard nick say that he wasn't waking up, and then he heard ash say they found george. two months of clay fighting in his own head, against all the people he has killed, against his father, and today.

he was fighting george.

"george please!" clay screamed into the white walled room that was overly bright, george having that same sword from the day at the club, approaching clay with slow speeds.

"you didn't come after me!" george shouted back, getting the sword into position.

"I couldn't! I cant!" the blonde was pleading into the air, a sword loosely hanging in his hand for protection against this man.

every time, every time he had to fight someone in his mind, he had to kill them all over again, and that's why he is still standing, he didn't know what happens if someone kills him, but he didn't plan on figuring out.

"your a murderer clay!" the brunettes voice was strong and intimidating, making clay fearful for himself, but he wasn't going to let george kill him.

"they were bad people!" clay screamed, his voice breaking with the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.

george lunged at clay and the blonde dodged it, but out of reflex, sending the sword directly forward, and into georges body.

"was I a bad person?" george stood there with the sword in his gut, blood spilling out as he started to stumble backwards, blood pooling in his mouth until he choked and coughed it up, it splattering on clay.

"george no, im sorry, im so sorry" clay let the blade go and george went falling backwards, the blonde sliding to his sideband catching him as he landed in his lap.

"you promised me you wouldn't look at me differently" george was coughing up blood to the side, his hands on his gut, surrounding the sword that was still in his body.

"I know and im sorry" clay started to cry, the tears he has bottled up since his child hood, just spilling out onto the brunettes dying body.

"this is your fault" georges words were quiet but clay heard him perfectly, and with that, the brunettes grip on his stomach was gone, just like the last drop of life in his body.

"george please" clay tried shaking the brunette body in his arms, but nothing was happening, he was out, gone, dead.

niki and laura were getting really worried, because not only was clays eyes moving rapidly, but his head would turn every once in a while and his hands would shake, it was like he was having a nightmare in his coma.

"this is not right" laura crossed her arms and stared at clay as he fought off his internal demons.

"but theres nothing we can do" niki voice was quiet, and laura watched her pull a ring dagger from her wrist, slowly approaching clays bed side.

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