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the crew ate lunch, kind of browsed around in town until the time came, it was about six, and it was about time for jarred to die. according to clay, techno would be taking the kill since this man was such a threat, such an issue. and techno was well known for getting the job done. although there was something no one was saying, something no one wanted to bring up, because everyone knew that it was possi-

"what happens if he gets away" nick blurted out, bringing up the only thing that everyone was thinking.

everyone kind of turned their attentions to him and gave him a pissed off look mixed with confusion. but clay didn't, clay didn't turn around, clay acted like he didn't hear him.

"come on, your all thinking it" nick tried to defend himself but he had already spoke, and it just set the whole situation into all the more perspective.

something that you should know, clay was the mafia leader, yes. clay was known to be the most heartless killer, yes. but he doesn't do it unless Absolutley utterly necessary. he doesn't like killing people, each time he has to, it chips away at his soul all the more and that's when it gets to him. that's when he disappears, goes to some random secret mafia house and gets drunk off his ass, then nick or techno have to go and track him down and bring him back.

if him and george knew eachother, even knew of eachother, they would find a lot in common.

"he wont get away" clay spoke softly, his voice barley audible to the point james and zak in the far back seats didn't hear him.

clay slowly turned around and faced nick, making direct eye contact with him until it caused nick to look away.

"because theres all of you" clay turned back around, a smile on his face from pure excitement. he didn't know what it was from, maybe it was just being out of the house for once.

"okay, he will be at that cheap ass bar on 8th until midnight so we have the time" james spoke up from the far back, after all he was the technical person with his big bulky laptop in his hands.

"where the hell is 8th" techno slowed on the highway, realizing he was going well over the speed limit.

"its a couple miles right to that building with bardo in it" james spoke loudly, staring at his laptop and clacking the bulky keys until directions pulled up on the SUV's gps.

"did you just hack my car" clay scoffed with a smile, shaking his head and already knowing the answer, but that thing he said before was still looming in his head.

"did you say bardo?" techno looked over at clay and they shared the same expression, because they both know what it meant, the true definition behind it.

"yeah its that nightclub that that rich guy owns" zak joined in, sitting with his arms crossed and legs sprawled onto the open chair next to him, nudging james a lot.

"rich guy?" nick was asking all the questions that clay wanted to know but was to embarrassed to ask.

"yeah, his name is like greg or george or something I dont remember" zak kind of side lined from the conversation as he had his phone in his hand.

clay hummed in response, still stuck on the nightclub name, and he was sure that techno was too. its just the word, it was so strange to name a bar that it kept looming in the blondes mind.

"we are here" techno mumbled as they pulled behind an alleyway, everyone kind of frozen in place before clay hopped out, completely ignoring the practical frost bite hitting his face with the winds in-between the buildings.

everyone jumped out, techno jogging around to the back of the SUV and pulling his signature guitar case from the trunk, opening it to reveal a sniper rifle in 3 different pieces, the case itself made to fit the gun and all its parts perfectly in the red velvet slots.

techno set it in the back of the car, the trunk hood still up. clay and nick covered both sides of him as he picked up the main piece of the gun, making sure it was empty and un-jammed before putting it back, then picking up a small box from the side and pulling out one, ginormous, green tipped sniper bullet.

now that green tip, was curare, it was a rare poison that was most commonly used in anesthesia now days but it used to be used as an arrow poisoning that would kill the prey of hunters. however rare it might be, its also not traceable on a tox screen so they wouldn't know if it was the bullet, or this strange poisoning that killed the person.

the poison has to enter the blood stream for it to do anything. first, you dont feel anything, but after only minutes, you start to become dizzy, with sweat dripping from your temples as if you were in the rain. You will start to shake, almost a shivering type of shaking, and then you become paralyzed. and after 5 minutes of the poisoning being in your blood, your dead.

this mafia was known to use this poison and the feds knew it, they had every reason to take down the murderers but with the power, with the contacts everyone had, it was dangerous to even look at them.

"vacant building Infront, the offices are empty and the windows are boarded. if you get a clear shot on your thermal, take it" clay started and turned his back to the pink haired man, still blocking the weapon from anyone passing on the streets but facing the street itself.

clay looked intimidating and he knew it, although every sliver of skin was covered besides his face and hands, his glare gave enough dominance that even his own friends were slightly fearful.

"zak get in there and get jarred clear for techno. he doesn't know you and you dont know him." clay turned his head slightly and looked at zak, receiving a nod In return.

"you guys have fifteen minutes until im walking in, take the shot as soon as I get a drink" clay smiled, his pointed ivory k-9's peaking from his pink flustered lips, his smile all that more attractive.

"man has really got to rub it in that we found him" alex scoffed and turned to face clay as techno was finishing up checking his weapon.

"no, im just setting an example." clay pushed himself off of the SUV and started walking around the van, james, nick, and alex all right behind him.

techno and zak parted off, techno into the streets and zak towards the bar.

"dont fuck with me" clays voice was dark and almost rumbled through the hallway as it echoed between the dark buildings, trash and water littering the crumbled asphalt.

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